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There are still some controversial problems about the fine deep structure of North Huaiyang Tectonic Belt,which lies in the convergence area of Dabie Orogen and North China Block.In this paper,based on two parallel electrical and seismic profiles and high resolution gravity-magnetic data,the deep geological structure of North Huaiyang Tectonic Belt was revealed.The general feature was the southward subduction of North China Block and the northward thrust of North Huaiyang Tectonic Belt,and the North Margin of Dabie Orogen,Feinan Piedmont Depression Belt,and Feibei slope zone were clearly distinguished.(1) North Margin of Dabie Orogen Belt: the seismic reflection was not clear;the electrical characteristic was high resistivity larger than 2000 Ωm.It can be divided into North Dabie complex zone and North Huaiyang Tectonic Belt by the Mozitan-Xiaotian Fault.The North margin of Dabie Orogen Belt mainly consisted of Dabie Group,Luzhenguan complex zone,and Foziling Group,thrusting on Middle-Lower Jurassic Series along the Shucheng-Xinyang Fault.In the shallow,there was the north dipping Jinzhai-Longmen thrust-slip fault.(2) Feinan Piedmont Depression Belt: the upper part was Mesozoic-Cenozoic;the electrical characteristic was middle-low resistivity;the seismic reflection was clear.The lower part was North China type Pre Mesozoic(there may be the Paleozoic remaining in the upper part),the electrical characteristic was low resistivity(5~50 Ωm),the seismic reflection was continuous and weak reflection in the interior.It can be divided into Shucheng Depression and Feizhong Fault by the Liu′an Fault,the north boundary was Feizhong Fault.(3) Feibei Slope zone: the upper part was Jurassic,the electrical characteristic was middle-low resistivity;the seismic reflection showed as horizontally layered.The lower part mostly was Huoqiu Group;the electrical characteristic was high resistivity;the seismic reflection was not clear.The middle was North China type Pre Mesozoic,gradually thinning toward north till disappear.All of the above revealed deep structure will provide the deep geological constraints for the studying of southward thrust of North China Block,the suture zone position of the North-South Block collision and oil and gas exploration,etc.
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