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Structural Zonation and Coal Occurrence Characteristic of Nazhi Coalfield in Guizhou
In this paper,the geological situation,coalfield structural character and coal occurrence condition are introduced,the structural zonation,coal occurrence and coal controlling structure are summarized.According to the uplift degree of coat-bearing stratum and coal cover depth,the coal field are divided into 3 large zones and 8 small zones,the coal occurrence character of each zone is different,the coal occurrence of Santang-Guanzhai zone and Baixing-Yanjiao zone in middle and west area are kept fine,the cover depth is suitable and easy to explore.The coal controlling structure includes coal-controlling fold and coal-controlling fracture,coal-controlling fold mainly is NE syncline partition fold,coal-controlling fracture mainly is regional fracture,the fault near the regional fracture is developed and belong to fanit-fold coal control.The coal-controlling style includes 5 broad classes and 11 narrow classes,extensional structural style,superposed fold and fracture are developed.

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