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The relationship between the concentration of arsenic and the hydraulic gradient along the shallow groundwater flow-path of Hetao plain, Northern China
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  • 作者:W.G.CaoY.L.Zhang
  • 会议时间:2012-08-26
  • 作者单位:Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, CAGS, Zhengding, Hebei, P,R,China 050803
  • 母体文献:第六届海峡两岸土壤和地下水污染与整治研讨会论文集
  • 会议名称:第六届海峡两岸土壤和地下水污染与整治研讨会
  • 会议地点:烟台
  • 主办单位:中国地质学会
  • 语种:chi
In order to better understand the relationship between the concentration of arsenic and hydraulic gradient along the shallow groundwater flow-path in Hetao plain,we chose three paths which are established along the groundwater flow direction and collected 231 shallow groundwater samples from the three paths.The result shows that:arsenic concentrations and speciation exhibit systematic changes along the flow path.The hydraulic gradient of the groundwater plays a great role in promoting arsenical enrichment.In the runoff and recharge area of Hetao plain,if hydraulic gradient of groundwater is less than 0.79 ‰,the concentration of arsenic would be more than 10 μg/L.But in the discharge area,the hydraulic gradient and the concentration of arsenic are completely unrelated.

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