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The middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River has a characteristic of multiphase structural superposition and combination.It has experienced frequent crustal movement and intense tectonic activity since Mesozoic.It manifests as Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt,Jiuling-Jiangnan uplift and Yangtze River compound structural belt.The deep structures of the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River show as a double " crocodile structure" which is revealed by Dabie orogenic belt foreland deep seismic reflection profile.Many material of foreland fault fold belt are covered by the Dabie orogenic belt.Mosaic structures are well developed as a result of tectonic slices and fault superimposed.The lower crust cut the Moho surface and subducted toward north and make this place be the channel of upwelling magma.The lithospheric structures are obviously different between the south and north Lower Yangtze area which is revealed by the comprehensive geophysical profiles.The face to face vergencing structures are well developed in the upper crust.The lower crust is a north-dipping tectonic zone and north part southward thrusting,south curst cut the Moho surface and northward subduction.The structures of the Yangtze River region are controlled by the intracontinental alienation belt of the Yangtze River.This belt is a north-dipping crushed zone in lithospheric scale,which is formed after the formation of China continent,but uncontrolled by early plate boundaries.It is the production of physical reconstruction and structure reorganization.The major structural features of Yangtze River compound structural belt are showed as face to face vergencing fault assemblages in the upper crust,the horizontal rheology in middle crust and north-dipping tectonic zone cut the Moho face and northward subduction in the lower crust.It is result of SNtrending compressive stress in Late Indosinian-Early Yanshanian,crust broken and thickened lithosphere,then magmatic activities and crust-mantle immiscible occurred under the extensional structural setting in Late Yanshanian.The combined effect of special genetic mechanism and the evolution is the geological meaning of the alienation band in Yangtze River intracontinent.Deep-seated material is upwelling along the alienation band and in place of the tectonic framework which was formed by the multiphase structural superposition in the upper crust.Rock in the deep crust is EW-trending,that in the middle is complex,while close to the surface is determined by a variety of structural combinations.
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