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1 .中国地质图书馆——数字资源简介——外文开放获取期刊
issues. It is published three times per year in English and is widely distrubuted throughout the international scientific community. 全文 克罗地亚 Geologia Sudetica 1964- published in Warsaw by the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Acad …
http://cgl.org.cn/zy/wwkf.aspx   2013-08-24
2 .Help Via Email
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issues: exchange@cgl.org.cn
http://cgl.org.cn/en/help.aspx   2013-12-19
3 .Organization
issues of geosciences, with focus on mineral resources, state-of-the-art geo-technology, geo-expertise and geo-techniques;to carry out research dedicated to provide reference for scientific decision-making of CGS and other relevant geological institutions …
http://cgl.org.cn/en/organization.aspx   2013-11-18
4 .ASCE美国土木工程协会全文电子期刊数据库试用通知
Issues in Engineering Education and Practice(工程教育与实践专业问题杂志) Ø         Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management(危害性、毒性与放射性废物管理实用杂志) Ø   …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=152   2012-02-09
5 .ASCE美国土木工程协会全文电子期刊数据库试用通知
Issues in Engineering Education and Practice(工程教育与实践专业问题杂志) Ø         Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management(危害性、毒性与放射性废物管理实用杂志) Ø   …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=166   2012-02-09
6 .ASCE美国土木工程协会全文电子期刊数据库试用通知
Issues in Engineering Education and Practice(工程教育与实践专业问题杂志) Ø         Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management(危害性、毒性与放射性废物管理实用杂志) Ø   …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=152   2012-02-09
7 .ASCE美国土木工程协会全文电子期刊数据库试用通知
Issues in Engineering Education and Practice(工程教育与实践专业问题杂志) Ø         Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management(危害性、毒性与放射性废物管理实用杂志) Ø   …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=166   2012-02-09

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