在本站内搜索,总计命中:5条,耗时:小于0.01 秒
1 .http://cgl.org.cn/new/qikan.aspx
Periodico di Mineralogia.  0369-8963 《矿物学杂志》1930年创刊。刊载矿物学和岩石学以及有关地质问题的研究论文和报告。 纸质 Permafrost and Periglacial Processes.   1045-6740 《永久冻土与冰缘过程》1990年创刊。发表科技论文,探讨地球表面低温冰化 …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/qikan.aspx   2018-08-17
2 .http://cgl.org.cn/new/wwdzqkdh.aspx
Periodico di Mineralogia. 0369-8963 《矿物学杂志》1930年创刊。刊载矿物学和岩石学以及有关地质问题的研究论文和报告。 纸质 Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 1045-6740 《永久冻土与冰缘过程》1990年创刊。发表科技论文,探讨地球表面低温冰化过程以及南 …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/wwdzqkdh.aspx   2015-08-20
3 .Background
period of modern geology to present day. It has established partnerships with nearly 400 geological institutions in more than 60 countries and regions for literature exchange and interlending. Besides known as the Geosciences Documentation Center of CGS, …
http://cgl.org.cn/en/background.aspx   2013-11-15
4 .Brief introduction
  Brief introduction
period of modern geoscience in nearly 200 years, geological maps in the world more than 10,000 sets and literature data more than 10 million of 5 large bibliographic database. Meanwhile, library has built document exchange and interlibrary loan business …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/gj/brief.aspx   2013-05-28
5 .International exchange
period of modern geoscience in nearly 200 years, geological maps in the world more than 10,000 sets and literature data more than 10 million of 5 large bibliographic database. Meanwhile, library has built document exchange and interlibrary loan business …
http://cgl.org.cn/zl/gjjhy.aspx   2012-12-03

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