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1 .http://cgl.org.cn/new/qikan.aspx
… Report.  1064-0401 《土地利用法导报》1973年创刊。报道美国各地土地利用规划与法律方面的消息,涉及与之有关的经济与工业发展、公园与娱乐场所管理、交通管理与公共运输、农业与自然资源管理、住宅与房地产开发、公用事业与环境保护等。 纸质 Land Use Policy. 0264- …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/qikan.aspx   2018-08-17
2 .外文电子期刊
… Report Leading Edge, The. Lethaia. Lithology and Mineral Resources. Lithos; An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry Marine Biodiversity. Marine Geodesy. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geolo …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/wwdzqk.aspx   2017-03-17
3 .电子期刊
… Report Land Use Policy Leading Edge - Society of Exploration Geophysicists "Leading Edge, The. Lethaia Lithology and Mineral Resources "Lithos; An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Mari …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/dzqk.aspx   2015-08-20
4 .中国地质图书馆——数字资源简介——外文开放获取期刊
… supported by a distinguished advisory and editorial board, has high scientific standards and takes advantage of current electronic document technology. 全文 美国 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 1996- an international scientific journal published …
http://cgl.org.cn/zy/wwkf.aspx   2013-08-24
5 .本馆资源
… Report Leading Edge, The. Lethaia. Lithology and Mineral Resources. Lithos; An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry Marine Biodiversity. Marine Geodesy. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geolo …
http://cgl.org.cn/bgzy.aspx   2013-08-19
6 .中国地质图书馆——资源
… Report Leading Edge, The. Lethaia. Lithology and Mineral Resources. Lithos; An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry Marine Biodiversity. Marine Geodesy. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geolo …
http://cgl.org.cn/ziyuan.aspx   2013-06-09
7 .NextLib数据库试用通知
Portal:GUIDE   55 Acoustical Society of America Digital Library(Acoustics Research Letters Online (ARLO))   56 Acoustical Society of America Digital Library(Acoustics Today)   57 Acoustical Society of America Digital Library(Journal of the …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=242   2012-02-10
8 .NextLib数据库试用通知
Portal:GUIDE   55 Acoustical Society of America Digital Library(Acoustics Research Letters Online (ARLO))   56 Acoustical Society of America Digital Library(Acoustics Today)   57 Acoustical Society of America Digital Library(Journal of the …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=242   2012-02-10
9 .ASCE美国土木工程协会全文电子期刊数据库试用通知
… Transportation Engineering(运输工程杂志) Ø         Journal of Management in Engineering(工程管理杂志) Ø         Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (土木工程材料 …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=152   2012-02-09
10 .ASCE美国土木工程协会全文电子期刊数据库试用通知
… Transportation Engineering(运输工程杂志) Ø         Journal of Management in Engineering(工程管理杂志) Ø         Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (土木工程材料 …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=166   2012-02-09

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