在本站内搜索,总计命中:5条,耗时:小于0.01 秒
1 .Publications
Cultural Essence of Geosciences 《国外地学动态》 International Advances in Geosciences 《非常规能源信息》 Unconventional Energy Information 《中国地质文摘》(中文版)Abstracts of Chinese Geological Literature (Chinese version) 《中国地质文摘》(英文版 …
http://cgl.org.cn/en/publications.aspx   2015-02-13
2 .Background
culture of Earth Sciences and science popularization of Earth Sciences and to disseminate the geoscience knowledge;     To establish partnerships, develop business exchange and cooperate with related industries and institutions at home and …
http://cgl.org.cn/en/background.aspx   2013-11-15
3 .Organization
culture of Earth Sciences; to edit and publish the journal“Essence in Geological Culture”regularly;to disseminate and popularize the geosciences knowledge; and to set up and maintain the reading websites.Ⅱ Administrative Management Division(1)Genera …
http://cgl.org.cn/en/organization.aspx   2013-11-18
4 .中国地质图书馆——数字资源简介——外文开放获取期刊
… Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies (F BERG) of the Technical University of Kosice. 全文 斯洛伐克 Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 1971- American Institute of Physics ( AIP )是一家历史悠久享誉世界的科学出版社, AIP 及其会 …
http://cgl.org.cn/zy/wwkf.aspx   2013-08-24
5 .2013年国内外重要地质会议目录汇编
Cultural Heritage and Historical Sites - Challenges and Solutions. 2012-9-21至9-23 乌兹别克斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦岩土协会 51 第6界中欧粘土会议 6th Mid-European Clay Conference 2012-9-4至9-9 智利 智利粘土协会 52 第72届北美古脊椎动物学会年会 2012 S …
http://cgl.org.cn/2013/dzhy.aspx   2013-07-15