Quantitative Characterization of Reservoir Space in the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Shale, Southern Sichuan Basin
The Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Shale in the southern Sichuan Basin has become one of the main targets of the exploration and development of marine shale gas in South China.However,few literatures have ever been found on the characterization of the reservoir space in this study area.In view of this,with the reference to the idea and methodology of reservoir space characterization of the Longmaxi Shale,we made a quantitative evaluation,based on the drilling data of the matrix pore structure and fracture-developed status in the black shales in the Qiongzhusi Fm.The following findings were obtained.a.The unit mass pore volumes of brittle minerals,clay minerals and organic matter are from low to high successively.b.The porosity of the effective shales is rather small and is only one third or one half of that in the Longmaxi Shale;the pores are mainly made up of those in organic matter and between clay mineral beds.c.The matrix pores decrease for two reasons.First,the thermal maturity of the shales is overly high so the organic carbon would be possibly carbonization,which leads to the collapse and filling of some pores in organic matter.Second,because of strong diagenesis,the matrix pores are dominated by moderate and small pores so the rocks are very tight with very few big pores.d.The fractures are well developed in the black shales and are dominated by micro-and small-scale fissures;the fracture density is greater on the top and in the middle and lower beds,but relatively smaller in the upper beds.In conclusion,the Qiongzhusi Shale is characterized by a high content of brittle minerals,high Young’s modulus,low Poisson’s ratio,good brittleness,and so on.

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