Active Fault Movement and Recent Tectonic Stress Field in oft-com:office:smarttags" />Yanhuai Basin
Yanhuai oft-com:office:smarttags" />Basin contains Yanfan Basin and Huaizhuo Basin, which are connected one another. According to field seismo-geological investigation and fault slip observation, the active faults in northeast direction in Yanfan Basin are mainly dextral strike-slip, with some cases of normal fault. But in Huaizhuo Basin, the situation is opposite; the active faults in northeast direction are mainly normal faults, with some cases of strike slip. However, in the whole Yanhuai Basin, the active faults in northwest direction are mostly sinistral strike-slip, also with some cases of normal fault. By field investigation and observation, the authors got 337 data of active fault slickenside. And using the method of inversion of fault slip data, the authors can obtain the following characteristics of recent tectonic stress field in the research region.

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