Formation of Gem-Quality Zircon in Areas of Alkali-Basaltoid Volcanism of Muling City, Heilongjiang Province

Using classical gemological methods, UV-Vis-NIR, FTIR, LA-Raman spectra, cathode luminescence images, and LA-ICP-MS gemological properties, this paper systematically studied spectroscopic features, melt inclusions, trace elements and U-Pb radioactive ages of gem-quality zircon megacrysts found in alluvia of Tertiary alkali basalt deposits associated with Cenozoic basalts from Muling in Heilongjiang Province, which are distributed along the middle-northern section of Dunhua-Mishan fault, the northern branch of Tanlu fault between Xing-Meng orogenic belt and Pacific subduction zone. Based on this study in combination with data obtained by other authors, the authors hold that Muling Cenozoic alkali basalt-related megacryst zircons might have originated from depleted metasomatized lithospheric mantle related to the oxidization conditions of CO2 fluid enrichment and resulted from retrogression of lithospheric thinning.

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