Re-Os Dating for Molybdenite-Bearing Rock Samples: Application in Dazhuangke Molybdenum Deposit in refix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Beijing


A simple and rapid method for preliminary determination of rhenium using nitric acid in colorimetric tube was described, the method was identified by analyzing the standard reference molybdenite sample and the results were in good with the certified value. The object of the traditional Re-Os isotope dating for molybdenite was pure mineral, and the Re-Os age was obtained due to the values 187Re/187Os.Molybdenite were rich in Re and radiogenic 187Os.In contrast, silicate mineral incorporates essentially was not involving Re and Os. Therefore, molybdenite-bearing rock samples were tried for Re-Os dating, and the molybdenite testing process of this method reducing the molybdenite processing can save a lot of time and avoid the cross contamination.