Discussion on the Metallogenesis of Bushveld Magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE Sulphide Deposit in South Africa

The Bushveld Igneous Complex(BIC) in South Africa is the largest known mafic layered intrusion, with the EW-extending length being 450 km and NS width being 250 km. The Bushveld Deposit (BD) is the largest PGE deposit in the world, with reserves of PGE 65 473 tons, occupying 75% of this kind of resource in the world. It includes more than 30 PGE deposits along the Rustenburg Layered Suite (RLS, 79 km in thickness), in which three ore bodies within the BIC, i.e. the Upper Group 2 chromitite (UG2, accounting for 58%), the Merensky Reef (MR, accounting for 32%) and the Platreef (PR, accounting for 9%) are especially remarkable.