Characteristics of Deep Water Sedimentation Revealed by Sub-Bottom Profiler Survey over the Baiyun Sag-Southwest Dongsha Island Waters in the Northern South China Sea

A new sub-bottom profiler with ability for deep water detection was used along survey lines from the outer shelf of Pearl River Mouth to the mid-slope of Baiyun Sag-Southwest Dongsha Island Waters. From the new high resolution data, it is found that the shallow sediments feature good continuity on the smooth upper slope of the Baiyun Sag, which implies homogenous bedrocks and weak current dynamics. Differently, over the mid-slope of Baiyun Sag-Southwest Dongsha Island Waters, there are remarkable phenomena, such as submarine slide-slump, local along-margin current erosive incision, rugged seafloor topography, and contrasted lateral variation of echoed reflection amplitudes, among others, which implies inhomogenous bedrocks and strong along-slope local current dynamics over the mid-slope.