Identification of Deep Tight Gas Reservoirs in Western Sichuan Depression by Full-Wave Attributes
///Gas reservoirs in Xinchang gasfield, Western Sichuan Depression have some tough geologic conditions with complex structure, deep burying (about 5 000 m), strong anisotropy and strong concealment. For seismic response, sometimes P wave reflection is disordered and weak,and sometimes both P wave and S wave reflection are disordered and weak. Thank to 3D3C seismic data in the area, the authors utilize full-wave attributes to identify deep tight gas reservoirs by using some techniques including analysis of absorption and velocity dispersion, absorption prediction of tow-phase media, extraction of multi-scale absorption, analysis of frequency-dependent characters, elastic impedance coefficient inversion, pre-stack P and S wave joint inversion, post-stack P and S wave joint inversion. Full-wave attributes gas detection are carried out by P and S wave attributes and multi-wave attributes.