The Geochemistry and Ore-Prospecting Potential of the Zuojiazhuang Gold Mineralization in Fengxian, Shaanxi Province

AN style="FONT-FAMILY: ’Times New Roman’,’serif’" lang=EN-US>Based on prediction of gold mineralized potential obtained by stream sediment survey at 1an’,’serif’" lang=EN-US>100 000, geochemical soil survey at 1an’,’serif’" lang=EN-US>25 000 commenced in this area discovered the Zuojiazhuang gold deposit. Analysis and researches of anomaly and zoning features of gold mineralization and its indicative elements have made a prediction of the spatial positions and ore-prospecting potential of gold orebodies. Geological investigation and exploration over ten years has developed and renamed Zuojiazhuang gold deposit into the medium-sized Santaizi gold deposit.

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