Geology of Titanomagnetite Deposit in Zhuxihe, Ziyang County of Shaanxi

AN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt" lang=EN-US>Alkaline-basic dikes at NW are distributed in groups in the Zhuxihe titanomagnetite mineralized area of Ziyang County, in which the titanomagnetite ore bodies mainly occur in dark-colored phase zones of large-scale and well-differentiated diabase bodies, demonstrating a relationship with wall rocks by gradient transitions and an attitude in general accord with ore-bearing rock bodies. The nature type of ores is attributed to disseminated titanomagnetite ore and the industrial type to low intensity titanomagnetite separation. The genesis of the deposit belongs to late magmatic differentiation. Magnetic anomalies from magnetic survey at a large scale can reflect proper indicators of mineralizationang=EN-US>.

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