Sedimentary Facieses and Their Controlling Factors of Shahejie Formation in the South Edge of East Shijiutuo Salient of Bozhong SAG

LIGN: justify; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph">///With the help of the seismic, mud logging, well logging, core data etc. , the studies of the sedimentary facies types and their spreads of Palaeogene Shahejie Formation in South Edge of East Shijiutuo Salient of Bozhong Sag are conducted, and moreover the controlling factors fan delta, braided river delta, beach bar and lake facies on the sedimentation are also analyzed. In the particular ancient tectonic pattern of Bozhong Sag, the alluvial fan deposition is mainly controlled by the combination factor of the ancient climate- source material-ancient terrain change. The fan delta and braided river delta sedimentations are principally dominated by the combination factor of the ancient climate-source material-ancient river system-ancient terrain-the lake level change. The beach-bar deposition is generally determined by the comprehensive factor of the ancient climate-source material-ancient underwater terrain-the lake level change.





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