Efficacy of Chemotherapy for Brain Metastases From Breast Carcinoma: In Regard to Le Scodan et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007;69:839–845)
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The minimal radiosurgical dose required to control cerebral metastases remains unknown. The aim of this study was to test whether a lower peripheral dose than usually delivered could effectively control these lesions or not.

Patients and methods

One hundred and eighty patients presenting 356 lesions were give first-line radiosurgery between 1995 and 2001 in Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital using a 10 MV LINAC. Mean age was 59 years, sex-ratio was 1.65, mean KI was 70. The lung was the most frequent primary site (n=85), followed by melanoma (n=29), kidney (n=21), digestive tract (n=14), breast (n=11), and others (n=20). Seventy-six percent of the patients presented 1 or 2 lesions. Mean tumor volume was 5.5cm3. Mean peripheral dose was 14.8Gy, mean isocenter dose was 21.6Gy.


Median survival was 7.6 months, local control rate was 90 % at 6 months, 76 % at 1 year and 70 % at 2 years. Median “neurological disease free” survival was 15 months. Multivariate analysis demonstrated the influence of two parameters on survival : number of lesions (p=0.001) and KI (p=0.04). The only parameter significantly correlated with disease-free survival was the number of isocenters (p = 0.005). Morbidity (grade 2 RTOG) was 7.2 % with no perimortality.


Low peripheral doses delivered by radiosurgery may control brain metastases with the same efficacy and fewer side-effects as the doses usually reported in the literature.

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RTOG publications since 1996
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Phy...

RTOG publications since 1996
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsVolume 51, Issue 3, Supplement 22001, Pages 125-145

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d463ad9f0fb601c7fed9833"" onMouseOver=""InfoBubble.show('infobubble_3','mlktLink_3')"" onMouseOut=""InfoBubble.timeout()"">Linear accelerator configurations for radiosurgery
Seminars in Radiation Oncology

Linear accelerator configurations for radiosurgery
Seminars in Radiation OncologyVolume 5, Issue 3July 1995, Pages 203-212
Minesh P. Mehta, William R. Noyes, T. Rockwell Mackie

The dramatic proliferation of radiosurgery in the 1980s and 1990s has resulted in the development of a plethora of hardware systems and an exponential increase in clinical use. This article summarizes the initial, now mostly historical, developments and emphasizes that most linear accelerator radiosurgery systems are based on three early prototypical systems from Buenos Aires, Heidelberg, and Montréal. These systems have more recently been tailored to permit fractionated radiosurgery, blurring the distinction between radiosurgery and radiotherapy. The commonly used fractionated systems are described. Clinical outcome data for arteriovenous malformations, acoustic neuroma, and meningioma, are mostly preliminary but substantial data are available for the radiosurgical management of metastases. With the recent emphasis on cost containment, cost-effectiveness issues have become significant and at least for metastases some preliminary data suggest a potential “cost benefit” with radiosurgery. The recent publication of data from a prospective randomized trial has established the superiority of boost therapy for malignant glioma and in this article, we present preliminary evidence supporting the use of radiosurgery. Finally, some of the new and exciting developments such as the robot-mounted linear accelerator, the use of shaped fields, and tomotherapy are described.

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Letter to the Editor

Efficacy of Chemotherapy for Brain Metastases From Breast Carcinoma: In Regard to Le Scodan et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007;69:839–845)

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