Establishment of an Extraction Method for the Recovery of Tattoo Pigments from Human Skin Using HPLC Diode Array Detector Technology
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Tattooing is a widespread process of puncturing pigmentsinto skin, whereas the resulting concentration inside theskin remains unknown. Many tattoo colorants are organicpigments, such as azo pigments, manufactured for otheruses. To remove tattoos from skin, laser pulses at veryhigh intensities are applied to the skin to destroy the tattoopigments. Recent investigations have shown that severalazo compounds are cleaved by laser light leading topotentially toxic or carcinogenic compounds. To assessthe risk of tattooing and laser treatment of tattoos, theconcentration of the pigments and their decompositionproducts in the skin must be determined. Therefore, anextraction method was established to determine theconcentration of tattoo pigments and decomposition products quantitatively. The extraction of two widely used azocompounds, Pigment Red 22 and Pigment Red 9, andtheir laser-induced decomposition products, 2-methyl-5-nitroaniline, 4-nitrotoluene, 2,5-dichloraniline, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene, was accomplished using recovery experiments and HPLC-DAD technology. Despite the poorsolubility of the pigments, a nearly complete recovery fromaqueous suspension (>92%) or lysed skin (> 94%) wasachieved. The decomposition products were extractedfrom aqueous suspension or skin showing a recovery ofup to 100%, except for the very volatile 1,4-DCB.

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