Reliance on 210Pb Chronology Can Compromise the Inference of Preindustrial Hg Flux to Lake Sediments
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Lake sediments are frequently used to reconstruct the rate and magnitude of human impacts on the biogeochemical cycle of mercury (Hg). The vast majority of these studies rely on excess 210Pb inventories in short cores to temporally constrain recent trends in Hg deposition, revealing an approximately 3-fold increase in Hg deposition since preindustrial times. However, the exhaustion of unsupported 210Pb and the onset of widespread global Hg pollution converge temporally in the late 19th century, raising the possibility that preindustrial Hg fluxes are poorly constrained. Here, we combine 210Pb and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dated lake sediment records from arctic and Andean lakes to assess the reliability of 210Pb-derived chronologies in the estimation of preindustrial Hg fluxes. For all four studied lakes, relying on 210Pb chronologies results in an overestimate of preindustrial Hg fluxes, because extrapolated basal 210Pb sedimentation rates are systematically overestimated in comparison to accumulation models that include 14C dates. In the Andes, the use of 14C dates is critical toward assessing the full history of Hg pollution, which extends beyond the industrial era. In the Arctic, 14C dating suggests that Hg deposition may have increased >10-fold since the Industrial Revolution, rather than the commonly quoted 3-fold increase. The incorporation of 14C dates may therefore be necessary if accurate Hg flux histories are sought from oligotrophic lake sediments.

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