Evidence of Altered Gene Flow, Mutation Rate, and Genetic Diversity in Redbreast Sunfish from a Pulp-Mill-Contaminated River
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To determine effects of pulp mill effluent on populationgenetic structure, redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus) werecollected from several sites along the Pigeon River, NC,as well as from reference sites. Previous studies found effectson molecular, biochemical, physiological, population, andcommunity level endpoints in these populations. Thepopulation genetic structure of these fish was determinedusing the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)technique. The level of genetic diversity was higher in thePigeon River populations than in the reference populations.Genetic distances among populations could not be explainedby drainage patterns and may have been altered bycontaminant exposure. Phylogeographic analysis, maximumlikelihood analysis, and assignment tests suggested thatthere were fewer emigrants and more immigrants in thecontaminated sites than in the reference sites, suggestingthat the contaminated sites may harbor "sinklike"populations. Finally, a "terminal branch amplitype" analysis(neighbor-joining and minimum-spanning trees) andmaximum likelihood analysis indicated that there may bean elevated mutation rate in the polluted sites. Thus, thegenetic diversity (within and among populations) in the PigeonRiver populations may have been affected by alteredgene flow and mutational processes as a result of pulpmill effluent discharge.

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