Cross-Linking and Amyloid Formation by N- and C-Terminal Cysteine Derivatives of Human Apolipoprotein C-II
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We have investigated the effect of disulfide cross-linking on amyloid formation by humanapolipoprotein (apo) C-II. Three derivatives of apoC-II were generated by inserting a cysteine residue oneither the N-terminus (CN-apoC-II), C-terminus (CC-apoC-II), or both termini (CNCC-apoC-II). Underreducing conditions, all derivatives formed amyloid with a fibrous ribbon morphology similar to that ofwild-type apoC-II. Under oxidizing conditions, CN- and CNCC-apoC-II formed a highly tangled networkof fibrils, suggesting that the addition of an N-terminal cysteine to apoC-II promotes interfibril disulfidecross-links. Fibrils formed by CC-apoC-II under oxidizing conditions were closely packed but less tangledthan fibrils formed by the CN and CNCC derivatives. The frequency of closed ring structures was morethan doubled for CC-apoC-II compared to wild-type apoC-II. The kinetics of fibril formation by all cysteinederivatives was markedly enhanced under oxidizing conditions, suggesting that disulfide cross-linkingpromotes amyloid formation. Substoichiometric levels of preformed CN- and CC-apoC-II dimers accelerateamyloid formation by wild-type apoC-II. These data suggest that the N- and C-termini of apoC-II areclose together in the amyloid fibril such that covalent cross-linking of either the N or C end of apoC-IIpromotes nucleation and the "seeding" of fibril growth.

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