On Chen Ideal Submanifolds Satisfying Some Conditions of Pseudo-symmetry Type
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  • 作者:Ryszard Deszcz ; Miroslava Petrović-Torgas̆ev…
  • 关键词:Submanifold ; Condition of pseudo ; symmetry type ; Generalized Einstein metric condition ; Chen ideal submanifold ; Roter space ; Tachibana tensor ; Primary 53B20 ; 53B25 ; 53B30 ; 53B50 ; Secondary 53C25 ; 53C40
  • 刊名:Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:January 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:39
  • 期:1
  • 页码:103-131
  • 全文大小:621 KB
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  • 作者单位:Ryszard Deszcz (1)
    Miroslava Petrović-Torgas̆ev (2)
    Leopold Verstraelen (3)
    Georges Zafindratafa (4)

    1. Department of Mathematics, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Grunwaldzka 53, 50-357, Wrocław, Poland
    2. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Radoja Domanovića 12, Kragujevac, 34000, Serbia
    3. Departement Wiskunde, Fakulteit Wetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200B, 3001, Heverlee, Belgium
    4. Laboratoire LAMAV - ISTV2, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, 59313, Valenciennes Cedex 9, France
  • 刊物类别:Mathematics, general; Applications of Mathematics;
  • 刊物主题:Mathematics, general; Applications of Mathematics;
  • 出版者:Springer Singapore
  • ISSN:2180-4206
In this paper, we study Chen ideal submanifolds \( M^n \) of dimension n in Euclidean spaces \( \mathbb {E}^{n+m} \) (\( n \ge 4 \), \( m \ge 1 \)) satisfying curvature conditions of pseudo-symmetry type of the form: the difference tensor \(R \cdot C - C \cdot R\) is expressed by some Tachibana tensors. Precisely, we consider one of the following three conditions: \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) is expressed as a linear combination of Q(g , R) and Q(S , R) , \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) is expressed as a linear combination of Q(g , C) and Q(S , C) and \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) is expressed as a linear combination of \( Q(g , g \wedge S) \) and \( Q(S , g \wedge S) \). We then characterize Chen ideal submanifolds \( M^n \) of dimension n in Euclidean spaces \( \mathbb {E}^{n+m} \) (\( n \ge 4\), \( m \ge 1 \)) which satisfy one of the following six conditions of pseudo-symmetry type: \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) and Q(g , R) are linearly dependent, \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) and Q(S , R) are linearly dependent, \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) and Q(g , C) are linearly dependent, \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) and Q(S , C) are linearly dependent, \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) and \( Q(g , g \wedge S) \) are linearly dependent and \( R \cdot C - C \cdot R \) and \( Q(S , g \wedge S) \) are linearly dependent. We also prove that the tensors \(R \cdot R - Q(S,R)\) and Q(g, C) are linearly dependent at every point of \( M^n \) at which its Weyl tensor C is non-zero. Keywords Submanifold Condition of pseudo-symmetry type Generalized Einstein metric condition Chen ideal submanifold Roter space Tachibana tensor

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