Dignāga, Kumārila and Dharmakīrti on the Potential Problem of pramāṇa and phala Having Different Objects
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  • 作者:Kei Kataoka
  • 关键词:Svasaṃvitti ; Pramāṇaphala ; Viṣayābhāsatā ; Bāhyārthajñāna
  • 刊名:Journal of Indian Philosophy
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:April 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:44
  • 期:2
  • 页码:229-239
  • 全文大小:331 KB
  • 参考文献:PSṬ     Jinendrabuddhi’s Viśālāmalavatī Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā. Chapter 1, Part I. Ed. E. Steinkellner, H. Krasser, H. Lasic. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2005.
    PS(V) Dignāga’s Pramāṇasamuccaya, Chapter 1. Ed. E. Steinkellner (http://​ikga.​oeaw.​ac.​at/​Mat/​dignaga_​PS_​1.​pdf ).
    PV     Pramāṇavārttika. See Tosaki [1979][1985].
    ŚV     Ślokavārttika. See Taber [2005].
  • 作者单位:Kei Kataoka (1)

    1. Department of Indology, Faculty of Letters, Kyushu University, Hakozaki 6-19-1, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8581, Japan
  • 刊物类别:Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
  • 刊物主题:Philosophy
    Non-Western Philosophy
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1573-0395
Following Dharmakīrti’s interpretation, PS I 9ab has been understood as stating a view common to both Sautrāntikas and Yogācāras, i.e. a view that self-awareness (svasaṃvitti) is the result (phala) of a means of valid cognition (pramāṇa). It has also been understood that Dignāga (in I 8cd and I 9) accepts two different views attributed to Sautrāntikas with regard to pramāṇaphala: in PS(V) ad I 8cd he regards the cognition of an external object (arthādhigati) as the result; in PS(V) ad I 9ab–cd he alternatively presents another view that self-awareness is the result. Dignāga’s text, however, does not support these interpretations. Rather it contradicts them. In fact Dignāga (in I 8cd and I 9cd) presupposes a single view, and not two, attributed to Sautrāntikas, a view that the cognition of an external object (arthādhigati) is the result. In I 9ab (svasaṃvittiḥ phalaṃ vātra) he is presenting an alternative view that is attributed only to Yogācāras, i.e. a view that is not common to Sautrāntikas. Althogh the Sautrāntika sākāravāda essentially has an internal structure, Dignāga presupposes that an external object can be regarded as the object of cognition because it is similar to the (essentially internal) image of object. He assumes that the objects of pramāṇa and phala, both being external objects, are identical. Criticizing Dignāga’s claim that bāhyārthajñāna (not svasaṃvitti) is the phala, Kumārila (ŚV pratyakṣa 79cd) points out that there is a serious gap between the objects of pramāṇa and phala. Consequently Dharmakīrti has to admit that even in the Sautrāntika view an external object is not directly cognized (PV III 348b: arthātmā na dṛśyate) and instead proposes as the second view of Sautrāntikas that svasaṃvitti (and not bāhyārthajñāna) is the phala. At the same time he reinterprets Dignāga and defends from Kumārila’s criticism by introducing the two different levels. When investigating the real nature (PV III 350c: svabhāvacintāyām), i.e. in the paramārtha level, svasaṃvitti is the phala, whereas in the upacāra level, bāhyārthajñāna or bāhyārthaniścaya is the phala. Thus, Dharmakīrti avoids Kumārila’s criticism of Dignāga. Kumārila triggers Dharmakīrti’s new introduction of the second view of Santrāntikas that svasaṃvitti is the phala.

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