Plasma metabolomics and proteomics profiling after a postprandial challenge reveal subtle diet effects on human metabolic status
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  • 作者:Linette Pellis (1)
    Marjan J. van Erk (1)
    Ben van Ommen (1)
    Gertruud C. M. Bakker (1)
    Henk F. J. Hendriks (1)
    Nicole H. P. Cnubben (1)
    Robert Kleemann (2)
    Eugene P. van Someren (1)
    Ivana Bobeldijk (3)
    Carina M. Rubingh (1)
    Suzan Wopereis (1)
  • 关键词:Postprandial challenge ; Metabolic profiling ; Proteomic profiling ; Plasma
  • 刊名:Metabolomics
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:April 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:8
  • 期:2
  • 页码:347-359
  • 全文大小:517KB
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  • 作者单位:Linette Pellis (1)
    Marjan J. van Erk (1)
    Ben van Ommen (1)
    Gertruud C. M. Bakker (1)
    Henk F. J. Hendriks (1)
    Nicole H. P. Cnubben (1)
    Robert Kleemann (2)
    Eugene P. van Someren (1)
    Ivana Bobeldijk (3)
    Carina M. Rubingh (1)
    Suzan Wopereis (1)

    1. TNO, PO Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands
    2. TNO, PO Box 2215, 2301 CE, Leiden, The Netherlands
    3. TNO, Triskelion, PO Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands
  • ISSN:1573-3890
We introduce the metabolomics and proteomics based Postprandial Challenge Test (PCT) to quantify the postprandial response of multiple metabolic processes in humans in a standardized manner. The PCT comprised consumption of a standardized 500?ml dairy shake containing respectively 59, 30 and 12 energy percent lipids, carbohydrates and protein. During a 6?h time course after PCT 145 plasma metabolites, 79 proteins and 7 clinical chemistry parameters were quantified. Multiple processes related to metabolism, oxidation and inflammation reacted to the PCT, as demonstrated by changes of 106 metabolites, 31 proteins and 5 clinical chemistry parameters. The PCT was applied in a dietary intervention study to evaluate if the PCT would reveal additional metabolic changes compared to non-perturbed conditions. The study consisted of a 5-week intervention with a supplement mix of anti-inflammatory compounds in a crossover design with 36 overweight subjects. Of the 231 quantified parameters, 31 had different responses over time between treated and control groups, revealing differences in amino acid metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation and endocrine metabolism. The results showed that the acute, short term metabolic responses to the PCT were different in subjects on the supplement mix compared to the controls. The PCT provided additional metabolic changes related to the dietary intervention not observed in non-perturbed conditions. Thus, a metabolomics based quantification of a standardized perturbation of metabolic homeostasis is more informative on metabolic status and subtle health effects induced by (dietary) interventions than quantification of the homeostatic situation.

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