Comparative study on SBNR, GSBR and Anammox for combined treatment of anaerobic digester effluent
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  • 作者:Fenghao Cui ; Kyung Mo ; Seyong Park ; Moonil Kim
  • 关键词:biological wastewater treatment ; anaerobic digester effluent ; shortcut nitrogen removal ; aerobic granulation ; anammox
  • 刊名:KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:March 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:20
  • 期:2
  • 页码:590-596
  • 全文大小:324 KB
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  • 作者单位:Fenghao Cui (1)
    Kyung Mo (1)
    Seyong Park (1)
    Moonil Kim (1)

    1. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Ansan, 426-791, Korea
  • 刊物类别:Engineering
  • 刊物主题:Civil Engineering
    Industrial Pollution Prevention
    Automotive and Aerospace Engineering and Traffic
    Geotechnical Engineering
  • 出版者:Korean Society of Civil Engineers
  • ISSN:1976-3808
In this study Shortcut Biological Nitrogen Removal (SBNR), Granular Sequencing Batch Reactor (GSBR), and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) were comparatively discussed for combined treatment of anaerobic digester effluent. The experiments were carried out through operating pilot and lab scale reactors. These processes have common ground that biologically removes high strength ammonium and they are cost effective and energy efficient. The SBNR process could remove significant nitrogen from anaerobic digestion effluent without supplementation with additional carbon and alkalinity at a low C/N ratio. The aerobic granular sludge which was generated by the GSBR process demonstrated an effective simultaneous organic and ammonium removal. The Anammox process was successfully started using UASB and SBR. After 100 days, the ammonium removal exponentially increased and finally approached to around 75% in both reactors. However, the high active biomass and the long period, which are needed to start up Anammox process, limited the application of this process. Keywords biological wastewater treatment anaerobic digester effluent shortcut nitrogen removal aerobic granulation anammox

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