134Cs and 137Cs in the North Pacific Ocean derived from the March 2011 TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Japan. Part two: estimation of 134Cs and 137Cs inventories in the North Pacific Ocean
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  • 作者:Michio Aoyama ; Mizuo Kajino ; Taichu Y. Tanaka…
  • 关键词:Fukushima Dai ; Ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident ; Atmospheric release ; Direct discharge ; Inventory ; 134Cs ; 137Cs ; Radiocaesium ; Land deposition
  • 刊名:Journal of Oceanography
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:February 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:72
  • 期:1
  • 页码:67-76
  • 全文大小:2,044 KB
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  • 作者单位:Michio Aoyama (1)
    Mizuo Kajino (2) (3)
    Taichu Y. Tanaka (2)
    Tsuyoshi Thomas Sekiyama (2)
    Daisuke Tsumune (4)
    Takaki Tsubono (4)
    Yasunori Hamajima (5)
    Yayoi Inomata (6)
    Toshitaka Gamo (7)

    1. Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University, 1 Kanayagawa, Fukushima, 960-1296, Japan
    2. Meteorological Research Institute, 1-1 Nagamine, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305-0052, Japan
    3. RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, 7-1-26 Minatojima-minamimach, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, 650-0047, Japan
    4. Environmental Science Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 1646 Abiko, Abiko-Shi, Chiba-ken, 270-1194, Japan
    5. Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory, Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1224, Japan
    6. Atmospheric Research Department, Asia Center For Air Pollution Research, 1182 Sowa, Nishi-ku, Niigata, 950-2144, Japan
    7. Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, 277-8564, Japan
  • 刊物类别:Earth and Environmental Science
  • 刊物主题:Earth sciences
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1573-868X
We estimated the inventories of radiocaesium released by the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP1) accident to the North Pacific Ocean by using compiled data and model simulations. By comparing the observed inventories with model-simulated results, we obtained 12–15 PBq of 137Cs for the atmospheric deposition released by the FNPP1 accident in the North Pacific Ocean. Before the Fukushima accident, 137Cs activity in the North Pacific Ocean was about 69 PBq. Therefore, the 12–15 PBq of 137Cs newly added by atmospheric deposition together with the 3.5 ± 0.7 PBq added by direct discharge increased the total 137Cs inventory in the North Pacific Ocean by 22–27 %. We also estimated the total amount of 137Cs released to the atmosphere to be 15–20 PBq, and the total amount of 137Cs released to the environment to be 19–24 PBq, respectively. Observed 134Cs to 137Cs activity ratio at the time of accident was close to 1 and extremely uniform, therefore, the total amount of 134Cs deposition in the North Pacific Ocean, that of released to the atmosphere, that of direct discharge to the ocean and that of released to the environment were the same amounts as those of 137Cs. Keywords Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident Atmospheric release Direct discharge Inventory 134Cs 137Cs Radiocaesium Land deposition

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