The most powerful quasar outflows as revealed by the Civ \(\lambda1549\) resonance line
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  • 作者:P. Marziani ; M. A. Mart铆nez聽Carballo ; J. W. Sulentic
  • 关键词:Galaxies ; active ; Quasars ; emission lines ; Quasars ; general
  • 刊名:Astrophysics and Space Science
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:January 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:361
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:3,660 KB
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  • 作者单位:P. Marziani (1)
    M. A. Mart铆nez聽Carballo (2)
    J. W. Sulentic (2)
    A. Del Olmo (2)
    G. M. Stirpe (3)
    D. Dultzin (4)

    1. Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, INAF, Padova, Italia
    2. Instituto de Astrof铆sica de Andaluc铆a (CSIC), Granada, Spain
    3. Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, INAF, Bologna, Italia
    4. Instituto de Astronom铆a, UNAM, Mexico, D.F., Mexico
  • 刊物类别:Physics and Astronomy
  • 刊物主题:Physics
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1572-946X
Outflows from quasars may be almost ubiquitous, but there are significant differences on a source- by-source basis. These differences can be organized along the 4D Eigenvector 1 sequence: at low z, only the Population A sources radiating at relatively high Eddington ratio show evidences of prominent high- velocity outflows from the Civ\(\lambda\)1549 line profiles. Here we discuss, starting from recent observations of high-luminosity sample of Hamburg-ESO quasars, the Civ\(\lambda\)1549 emission line profiles and how they are affected by outflow motion as a function of the quasar luminosity. Our high-luminosity sample has the notable advantage that the rest frame has been set by previous H\(\beta\) observations in the J, H, and K band, therefore making measurements of inter-line shift accurate and free of systemic biases. As the redshift increases and the luminosity of the brightest quasars grows, powerful, high-velocity outflows may become more frequent. We then discuss the outflow contextualisation following the 4DE1 approach as a tool for unveiling the nature of the so-called Weak Lined Quasars (WLQs) that have emerged in recent years as a new, poorly understood class of quasars. We estimate the kinetic power associated with the Civ\(\lambda\)1549 emitting gas in outflow, and we suggest that the host galaxies of the most luminous sources may experience a significant feedback effect. Keywords Galaxies: active Quasars: emission lines Quasars: general

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