Draft genome sequence of the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis
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  • 作者:Ahmad Yamin Abdul Rahman (1)
    Abhilash O Usharraj (1)
    Biswapriya B Misra (1)
    Gincy P Thottathil (1)
    Kandakumar Jayasekaran (1)
    Yun Feng (2)
    Shaobin Hou (3)
    Su Yean Ong (1)
    Fui Ling Ng (1)
    Ling Sze Lee (1)
    Hock Siew Tan (1)
    Muhd Khairul Luqman Muhd Sakaff (1)
    Beng Soon Teh (1)
    Bee Feong Khoo (1)
    Siti Suriawati Badai (1)
    Nurohaida Ab Aziz (1)
    Anton Yuryev (4)
    Bjarne Knudsen (5)
    Alexandre Dionne-Laporte (3) (9)
    Nokuthula P Mchunu (6)
    Qingyi Yu (7)
    Brennick J Langston (7)
    Tracey Allen K Freitas (10) (8)
    Aaron G Young (3)
    Rui Chen (2)
    Lei Wang (2)
    Nazalan Najimudin (1)
    Jennifer A Saito (1)
    Maqsudul Alam (1) (3) (8)
  • 关键词:Hevea brasiliensis ; Euphorbiaceae ; Natural rubber ; Genome
  • 刊名:BMC Genomics
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:December 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:14
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:690KB
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  • 作者单位:Ahmad Yamin Abdul Rahman (1)
    Abhilash O Usharraj (1)
    Biswapriya B Misra (1)
    Gincy P Thottathil (1)
    Kandakumar Jayasekaran (1)
    Yun Feng (2)
    Shaobin Hou (3)
    Su Yean Ong (1)
    Fui Ling Ng (1)
    Ling Sze Lee (1)
    Hock Siew Tan (1)
    Muhd Khairul Luqman Muhd Sakaff (1)
    Beng Soon Teh (1)
    Bee Feong Khoo (1)
    Siti Suriawati Badai (1)
    Nurohaida Ab Aziz (1)
    Anton Yuryev (4)
    Bjarne Knudsen (5)
    Alexandre Dionne-Laporte (3) (9)
    Nokuthula P Mchunu (6)
    Qingyi Yu (7)
    Brennick J Langston (7)
    Tracey Allen K Freitas (10) (8)
    Aaron G Young (3)
    Rui Chen (2)
    Lei Wang (2)
    Nazalan Najimudin (1)
    Jennifer A Saito (1)
    Maqsudul Alam (1) (3) (8)

    1. Centre for Chemical Biology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
    2. TEDA School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
    3. Advanced Studies in Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
    4. Ariadne Genomics Inc, Rockville, Maryland, USA
    5. CLC bio, Aarhus, Denmark
    9. Centre of Excellence in Neuromics of Universit茅 de Montr茅al, Centre Hospitalier de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al Research Center, Montr茅al, Qu茅bec, Canada
    6. Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa
    7. AgriLife Research Center, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Texas A&M University System, Weslaco, Texas, USA
    10. Bioscience Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
    8. Department of Microbiology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Background Hevea brasiliensis, a member of the Euphorbiaceae family, is the major commercial source of natural rubber (NR). NR is a latex polymer with high elasticity, flexibility, and resilience that has played a critical role in the world economy since 1876. Results Here, we report the draft genome sequence of H. brasiliensis. The assembly spans ~1.1 Gb of the estimated 2.15 Gb haploid genome. Overall, ~78% of the genome was identified as repetitive DNA. Gene prediction shows 68,955 gene models, of which 12.7% are unique to Hevea. Most of the key genes associated with rubber biosynthesis, rubberwood formation, disease resistance, and allergenicity have been identified. Conclusions The knowledge gained from this genome sequence will aid in the future development of high-yielding clones to keep up with the ever increasing need for natural rubber.

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