SiLEA14, a novel atypical LEA protein, confers abiotic stress resistance in foxtail millet
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  • 作者:Meizhen Wang (1) (2)
    Ping Li (1)
    Cong Li (1)
    Yanlin Pan (1)
    Xiyuan Jiang (1)
    Dengyun Zhu (1)
    Qian Zhao (1)
    Jingjuan Yu (1)

    1. State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology
    ; College of Biological Sciences ; China Agricultural University ; No. 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road ; Haidian District ; Beijing ; 100193 ; China
    2. Institute of Medicinal Plant Development
    ; Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College ; No. 151 ; Malianwa North Road ; Haidian District ; Beijing ; 100193 ; China
  • 刊名:BMC Plant Biology
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:December 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:14
  • 期:1
  • 全文大小:3,116 KB
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  • 刊物主题:Plant Sciences; Agriculture; Tree Biology;
  • 出版者:BioMed Central
  • ISSN:1471-2229
Background Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are involved in protecting higher plants from damage caused by environmental stresses. Foxtail millet (Setaria italica) is an important cereal crop for food and feed in semi-arid areas. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying tolerance to these conditions are not well defined. Results Here, we characterized a novel atypical LEA gene named SiLEA14 from foxtail millet. It contains two exons separated by one intron. SiLEA14 was expressed in roots, stems, leaves, inflorescences and seeds at different levels under normal growth conditions. In addition, SiLEA14 was dramatically induced by osmotic stress, NaCl and exogenous abscisic acid. The SiLEA14 protein was localized in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Overexpression of SiLEA14 improved Escherichia coli growth performance compared with the control under salt stress. To further assess the function of SiLEA14 in plants, transgenic Arabidopsis and foxtail millet plants that overexpressed SiLEA14 were obtained. The transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings showed higher tolerance to salt and osmotic stress than the wild type (WT). Similarly, the transgenic foxtail millet showed improved growth under salt and drought stresses compared with the WT. Taken together, our results indicated that SiLEA14 is a novel atypical LEA protein and plays important roles in resistance to abiotic stresses in plants. Conclusion We characterized a novel atypical LEA gene SiLEA14 from foxtail millet, which plays important roles in plant abiotic stress resistance. Modification of SiLEA14 expression may improve abiotic stress resistance in agricultural crops.

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