GaN-based substrates and optoelectronic materials and devices
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  • 作者:Guoyi Zhang (1) (2)
    Bo Shen (1) (2)
    Zhizhong Chen (1) (2)
    Xiaodong Hu (1) (2)
    Zhixin Qin (1) (2)
    Xinqiang Wang (1) (2)
    Jiejun Wu (1) (2)
    Tongjun Yu (1) (2)
    Xiangning Kang (1) (2)
    Xingxing Fu (1) (2)
    Wei Yang (1) (2)
    Zhijian Yang (1) (2)
    Zhizhao Gan (1) (2)
  • 关键词:GaN ; Freestanding ; Patterned sapphire substrate ; Vertical structure light emitting diode ; Laser diode ; Solar blind ; Solar cell
  • 刊名:Chinese Science Bulletin
  • 出版年:2014
  • 出版时间:April 2014
  • 年:2014
  • 卷:59
  • 期:12
  • 页码:1201-1218
  • 全文大小:5,131 KB
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  • 作者单位:Guoyi Zhang (1) (2)
    Bo Shen (1) (2)
    Zhizhong Chen (1) (2)
    Xiaodong Hu (1) (2)
    Zhixin Qin (1) (2)
    Xinqiang Wang (1) (2)
    Jiejun Wu (1) (2)
    Tongjun Yu (1) (2)
    Xiangning Kang (1) (2)
    Xingxing Fu (1) (2)
    Wei Yang (1) (2)
    Zhijian Yang (1) (2)
    Zhizhao Gan (1) (2)

    1. State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China
    2. Research Center for Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China
  • ISSN:1861-9541
In order to solve the problems of GaN heteroepitaxy on sapphire substrate, some techniques were explored. Freestanding GaN substrates have been made by hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE), laser lift-off (LLO), and chemical mechanical polishing techniques. Wafer bending and cracking in the HVPE growth were partly settled by pulsed flow modulation method. High-crystal quality was established for 1.2?mm thick GaN substrate by X-ray diffraction measurement, in which the full width of half maximum values were 72, 110 arcsec for (102), (002) peaks. A novel micro-size patterned sapphire substrate (PSS) and a nano PSS were also fabricated. High-power vertical structure light emitting diodes (VSLEDs) have been developed by Au–Sn eutectic wafer bonding, homemade micro-area LLO, and light extraction structure preparation. The high-injection-level active region with low temperature GaN sandwiched layers was used for low-efficiency droop. The light output power of VSLED was achieved as 400?mW driven at 350?mA, and the dominant wavelength is about 460?nm. The structures and properties of strain modulated superlattices (SLs) and quantum wells as well as advanced simulation of carriers transport across the electron blocking layer were investigated in laser diodes. The hole concentration was achieved as high as 1.6?×?1018?cm? in AlGaN/GaN SLs:Mg by inserting an AlN layer. High-quality AlGaN epilayers and structures were grown by MOCVD. Some device structures of UV LEDs and detectors were demonstrated. The emission wavelength of 262?nm UV LED has been successfully fabricated. At last, high-quality InN and InGaN materials for solar cell were grown by boundary-temperature-controlled epitaxy and growth-temperature-controlled epitaxy. Hall-effect measurement showed a recorded electron mobility of 3,280?cm2/(V?s) and a residual electron concentration of 1.47?×?1017?cm? at 300?K.

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