Open Gromov-Witten Invariants of Toric Calabi-Yau 3-Folds
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  • 作者:Bohan Fang (1)
    Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu (1)
  • 刊名:Communications in Mathematical Physics
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:October 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:323
  • 期:1
  • 页码:285-328
  • 全文大小:740KB
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  • 作者单位:Bohan Fang (1)
    Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu (1)

    1. Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, 2990 Broadway, New York, NY, 10027, USA
We present a proof of the mirror conjecture of Aganagic and Vafa (Mirror Symmetry, D-Branes and Counting Holomorphic Discs., 2000) and Aganagic et?al. (Z Naturforsch A 57(1-):128, 2002) on disk enumeration in toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds for all smooth semi-projective toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds. We consider both inner and outer branes, at arbitrary framing. In particular, we recover previous results on the conjecture for (i) an inner brane at zero framing in ${K_{\mathbb{P}^2}}$ K P 2 (Graber-Zaslow, Contemp Math 310:107-21, 2002), (ii) an outer brane at arbitrary framing in the resolved conifold ${\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1}(-1)\oplus \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1}(-1)}$ O P 1 ( - 1 ) ⊿O P 1 ( - 1 ) (Zhou, Open string invariants and mirror curve of the resolved conifold. [math.AG], 2010), and (iii) an outer brane at zero framing in ${K_{\mathbb{P}^2}}$ K P 2 (Brini, Open topological strings and integrable hierarchies: Remodeling the A-model. [hep-th], 2011).

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