Strong violet emission from zinc oxide dumbbell-like microrods and nanowires
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ZnO of different morphologies with controlled size and aspect ratio (l/d) such as dumbbell-like microrods, thick nanowires and thin nanowires were prepared by a hydrothermal method. Possible mechanisms for the formation of ZnO crystals with the different morphologies were discussed. Strong violet photoluminescence bands at鈭?13 nm (3.0 eV) without band edge emission were observed from the dumbbell-like ZnO microrods and thick nanowires. Correspondingly, the thin nanowires showed a weak shoulder UV photoluminescence band at鈭?90 nm. Such result indicates that the photoluminescence properties could be improved by the morphologies or aspect ratio (l/d) and the potential fabrication violet-light-emitting devices.

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