Pre-eclampsia-associated alterations in decorin, biglycan and versican of the umbilical cord vein wall
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The role of proteoglycans in the rearrangement of the extracellular matrix of the umbilical cord vein wall in pre-eclampsia is not known. Decorin, biglycan and versican are the main proteoglycans of the umbilical cord vein wall. We decided to test whether the amounts of these proteoglycans alter in pre-eclampsia.

Study design

Study was performed on the umbilical cord veins taken from 10 newborns delivered by healthy mothers (control group) and from 10 newborns delivered by mothers with pre-eclampsia. Proteoglycans were extracted in dissociative conditions, purified by Q-Sepharose anion exchange chromatography and lyophilised. Decorin, biglycan and versican were analysed by SDS-PAGE followed by Western blotting before and after treatment with chondroitinase ABC. The amounts of decorin, biglycan and versican core proteins were assessed by ELISA method.


We found that both control and pre-eclamptic umbilical cord vein wall contained all the three proteoglycans. ELISA assay showed the amounts of the core proteins of decorin, biglycan and versican were distinctly higher in pre-eclamptic material in comparison to control vessel. Western blotting confirmed that the expression of all these proteoglycan core proteins increased in pre-eclampsia. They featured in the same electrophoretic mobility—45 and 47 kDa for decorin, 45 kDa for biglycan, and 300 and 320 kDa for versican.


The content of decorin, biglycan and versican in the umbilical cord vein wall is elevated in pre-eclampsia in comparison to the corresponding control vessel. These alterations may affect the mechanical properties of this vessel and disturb foetal blood circulation.

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