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        Unconventional oil and gas geology theory is a theoretical leap from conventional oil and gas to unconventional oil and gas in the world petroleum industry.By the close integration with China's special geological background and oil and gas industry conditions and through a decade of unremitting efforts,by constructing disciplines such as fine-grained sedimentology,unconventional oil and gas reservoir geology,unconventional hydrocarbon accumulation geology,unconventional oil and gas development geology,and the development strategy of the "coexistence basins"of conventional-unconventional oil and gas,the framework of the unconventional oil and gas geology theoretical system has been basically formed.The unconventional oil and gas geology theory is the theoretical basis for the development of typical unconventional oil and gas industries such as shale oil and gas,tight oil and gas.It has promoted the development of petroleum geology,the development of industry standards,the construction of national laboratories and the cultivation of professional talents.Further,it has facilitated the industrial exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas resources such as tight oil and gas,shale oil and gas in China.Unconventional oil and gas geology still has room for development in the future comprehensive utilization of oil and gas resources,scientific prediction of energy structure,and innovative solutions to complex problems.
Dai Jinxing,Ni Yunyan,Wu Xiaoqi.2012.Tight gas in China and its significance in exploration and exploitation.Petroleum Exploration and Development,39(3):257~264(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Dai Jinxing,Ni Yunyan,Huang Shipeng,Peng Weilong,Han Wenxue,Gong Deyu,Wei Wei.2017.Genetic types of gas hydrates in China.Petroleum Exploration and Development,44(6):837~848(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Jia Chengzao.2017.Breakthrough and significance of unconventional oil and gas to classical petroleum geological theory.Petroleum Exploration and Development,44(1):1~11(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Jia Chengzao,Zheng Min,Zhang Yongfeng.2014.Four important theoretical issues of unconventional petroleum geology.Acta Petrolei Sinica,35(1):1~10(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Jiao Fangzheng,Feng Jianhui,Yi Jizheng,Cai Xunyu,He Faqi.2015.Direction,key factors and solution of marine natural gas exploration in Yangtze area.China Petroleum Exploration,20(2):1~8(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Schmoker J W.2002.Resource-assessment perspectives for unconventional gas systems.American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin,86(11):1993~2000.
    Yang Zhi,Hou Lianhua,Tao Shizhen,Cui Jingwei,Wu Songtao,Lin Senhu,Pan Songqi.2015a.Formation condition and“sweet spot”evaluation of tight oil and shale oil.Petroleum Exploration and Development,42(5):556~566(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Yang Zhi,Zou Caineng,Wu Songtao,Tao Shizhen,Hou Lianhua,Zhu Rukai,Yuan Xuanjun.2015b.Characteristics of nano-sized pore-throat in unconventional tight reservoir rocks and its scientific value.Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering,32(3):257~265(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Zou Caineng.2017.Unconventional Petroleum Geology(2nd edition).Beijing:Petroleum Industry Press.
    Zou Caineng,Tao Shizhen,Yuan Xuanjun,Zhu Rukai,Hou Lianhua,Wang Lan,Gao Xiaohui,Gong Yanjie.2009.The Formation conditions and distribution characteristics of continuous petroleum accumulations.Acta Petrolei Sinica,30(3):324~331(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Zou Caineng,Zhu Rukai,Bai Bin,Yang Zhi,Wu Songtao,Su Ling,Dong Dazhong,Li Xinjing.2011.First discovery of nanopore throat in oil and gas reservoir in China and its scientific value.Acta Petrologica Sinica,27(6):1857~1864(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Zou Caineng,Yang Zhi,Tao Shizhen,Li Wei,Wu Songtao,Hou Lianhua,Zhu Rukai,Yuan Xuanjun,Wang Lan,Gao Xiaohui,Jia Jinhua,Guo Qiulin,Bai Bin.2012.Nano-hydrocarbon and the accumulation in coexisting source and reservoir.Petroleum Exploration and Development,39(1):15~32.
    Zou Caineng,Yang Zhi,Cui Jingwei,Zhu Rukai,Hou Lianhua,Tao Shizhen,Yuan Xuanjun,Wu Songtao,Lin Senhu,Wang Lan,Bai Bin,Yao Jingli.2013a.Formation mechanism,geological characteristics and development strategy of nonmarine shale oil in China.Petroleum Exploration and Development,40(1):15~27.
    Zou Caineng,Zhang Guosheng,Yang Zhi,Tao Shizhen,Hou Lianhua,Zhu Rukai,Yuan Xuanjun,Ran Qiquan,Li Denghua,Wang Zhiping.2013b.Concepts,characteristics,potential and technology of unconventional hydrocarbons:On unconventional petroleum geology.Petroleum Exploration and Development,40(4):413~428.
    Zou C N,Yang Z,Tao S Z,Yuan X J,Zhu R K,Hou L H,Wu ST,Sun L,Zhang G S,Bai B,Wang L,Gao X H,Pang Z L.2013.Continuous hydrocarbon accumulation over a large area as a distinguishing characteristic of unconventional petroleum:The Ordos basin.Earth-Science Reviews,126:358~369.
    Zou Caineng,Yang Zhi,Zhang Guosheng,Hou Lianhua,Zhu Rukai,Tao Shizhen,Yuan Xuanjun,Dong Dazhong,Wang Yuman,Guo Qiulin,Wang Lan,Bi Haibin,Li Denghua,Wu Na.2014.Conventional and unconventional petroleum“orderly accumulation”:Concept and practical significance.Petroleum Exploration and Development,41(1):14~30.
    Zou Caineng,Yang Zhi,Dai Jingxing,Dong Dazhong,Zhang Baomin,Wang Yuman,Deng Shenghui,Huang Jinliang,Liu Keyu,Yang Chun,Wei Guoqi,Pan Songqi.2015.The characteristics and significance of conventional and unconventional Sinian-Silurian gas systems in the Sichuan basin,central China.Marine and Petroleum Geology,64:386~402.
    Zou Caineng,Dong Dazhong,Wang Yuman,Li Xinjing,Huang Jinliang,Wang Shufang,Guan Quanzhong,Zhang Chenchen,Wang Hongyan,Liu Honglin,Bai Wenhua,Liang Feng,Lin Wen,Zhao Qun,Liu Dexun,Yang Zhi,Liang Pingping,Sun Shasha,Qiu Zhen.2016.Shale gas in China:characteristics,challenges and prospects(Ⅱ).Petroleum Exploration and Development,43(2):166~177(in Chinese with English abstract).
    Zou C N,Qiu Z,Wei H Y.2017.Euxinia caused the Late Ordovician extinction:Evidence from pyrite morphology and pyritic sulfur isotopic composition in the Yangtze area,South China.Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology,in press,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.11.033.
    Zou Caineng,Yang Zhi,He Dongbo,Wei Yunsheng,Li Jian,Jia Ailin,Chen Jianjun,Zhao Qun,Li Yilong,Li Jun,Yang Shen.2018.Theory,technology and prospects of conventional and unconventional natural gas,Petroleum Exploration and Development,45(4):604~618.
    Zou C N,Qiu Z,Poulton S W.2018.Ocean euxinia and climate change“double whammy”drove the Late Ordovician mass extinction.Geology,in press,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1130/G40121.1.
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    中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局,中国国家标准化管理委员会.2015.页岩气地质评价方法:GB/T 31483-2015.北京:中国标准出版社.
    中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局,中国国家标准化管理委员会.2018.致密油地质评价方法:GB/T 34906-2017.北京:中国标准出版社.