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  • 英文篇名:Dynamic Wave Scrubber Applied in Desulphurization of Flue Gas
  • 作者:吕武华
  • 英文作者:LYU Wu-hua;Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Engineering,Guang'an Vocational and Technical College;
  • 关键词:动力波洗涤技术 ; 磷矿浆 ; 烟气脱硫 ; 应用
  • 英文关键词:dynamic wave scrubbing technology;;phosphate slurry;;flue gas desulfurization;;application
  • 中文刊名:GSYT
  • 英文刊名:Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
  • 机构:广安职业技术学院智能制造与能源工程学院;
  • 出版日期:2018-11-15
  • 出版单位:硅酸盐通报
  • 年:2018
  • 期:v.37;No.266
  • 基金:国家自然科学青年基金(51603096);; 国家863项目基金(2014AA021801);; 广安职业技术学院科研项目基金(GAZYKY-2017A04)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:GSYT201811022
  • 页数:5
  • CN:11
  • ISSN:11-5440/TQ
  • 分类号:131-135
评述了动力波洗涤技术的应用现状。对其在复合肥生产系统的尾气净化工艺、冶金烟气制酸系统的尾气净化工艺和中化云龙集团中处理90 t/h的锅炉尾气中二氧化硫气体的净化工艺等典型代表技术的发展进行分析。结合动力波洗涤器的脱硫原理和设备特性提出未来动力波洗涤器技术的发展方向。理论分析和已有研究表明,运用动力波洗涤器技术脱除工业锅炉尾气,其烟气处理量范围广,稳定性高,脱硫效率高;且可有效解决磷矿浆堵塞等问题。
        The development status of dynamic wave scrubbing technology is reviewed. Analysis on the development concepts for several typical dynamic wave scrubbing technology has been conducted,which is the exhaust gas purification technology of the fertilizer production system,the acid-making system for metallurgical flue gas and sulfur dioxide removal system in Zhong Hua Yun Long. Based on the desulfurization principle and performance characteristics of dynamic wave scrubbing technology,the direction of future dynamic wave scrubbing technology development is proposed. From the theoretical and experimental basis it can be seen that it has a wide range of flue gas treatment capacity,high stability and high desulfurization rate,using dynamic wave scrubbing technology. What's more,it can effectively solve the problem of phosphate slurry blockage.
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