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  • 英文篇名:Evaluation of the Impact of Disaster Crisis on Regional Tourism:Based on the Synthetic Control Method
  • 作者:傅蕴英 ; 宋沁蓓 ; 康继军
  • 英文作者:FU Yunying;SONG Qinbei;KANG Jijun;School of Economics and Business Administration,Chongqing University;Chief Expert Workshop,Chongqing University;
  • 关键词:自然灾害 ; 合成控制法 ; 区域旅游业 ; 汶川地震
  • 英文关键词:natural disasters;;synthetic control method;;regional tourism;;Wenchuan earthquake
  • 中文刊名:LYXK
  • 英文刊名:Tourism Tribune
  • 机构:重庆大学经济与工商管理学院;重庆大学首席专家工作室;
  • 出版日期:2019-06-06
  • 出版单位:旅游学刊
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.34;No.274
  • 基金:中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目“‘一带一路’,建设民心相通框架下孔子学院跨文化传播研究”(2018CDXYJG0040);; 重庆大学研究生重点课程建设计划“高等计量经济学”(201805055)共同资助~~
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:LYXK201906017
  • 页数:11
  • CN:06
  • ISSN:11-1120/K
  • 分类号:127-137
        The industrial revolution has caused the improvement of production efficiency and the accumulation of social wealth,which has promoted the growing up of tourism in the modern world.In recent years,tourism has increasingly become the pillar industry of economic growth,but as a service,export and joint industry,the development of tourism is inevitably affected and restricted by various internal and external factors.Many studies have shown that factors affecting regional tourism include economic development,tourism resources,transportation level,policy and special events.Among the many factors affecting the development of tourism,the natural disaster crisis often has a severe impact on the development of regional tourism due to its sudden and uncontrollable nature.Assessing the consequences and impacts of such incidents will play an important role in the overall arrangement and development of tourism,especially in the recovery of regional tourism and the reconstruction of tourism image in post-disaster areas.Taking the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan province as an example,this paper uses the synthetic control method to construct a counterfactual framework to quantitatively assess the damage caused by earthquakes in the inbound tourism industry in Sichuan province.Firstly,this paper constructs a panel data set of 25 provincial administrative units in China from 1990 to 2014.The indicators include foreign exchange income of international tourism,number of international tourists hosted,per capita gross domestic product,consumption level of residents,number of star hotels,urban per capita road area and lagging items of foreign exchange income of international tourism.Among them,foreign exchange income of international tourism is the dependent variables of research.Then the mathematical optimization model is used to select samples from other provinces to establish an ideal control group.The predictive variables in the control group are optimized continuously by weighted average method to simulate the economic characteristics of Sichuan province.Finally,we get the expected change curve of international tourism foreign exchange income in Sichuan province.The empirical results show that the Wenchuan earthquake has caused serious losses to the inbound tourism industry in Sichuan province.In 2008,international tourism foreign exchange income decreased by 424.55 million US dollars compared with the expected value,and the expected decline rate reached 73.4%.The impact of the earthquake on inbound tourism continued until2010,and did not recover to the pre-earthquake level until 2011.The results show that the impact of earthquakes on tourism is intense and not temporary.It should be given full attention in the layout and development of tourism,planning and design of tourism reconstruction in disaster areas.This study is helpful to enrich the literature on the impact of important events on tourism industry,and also provides theoretical support for decision-making at the functional level.Firstly,this paper innovatively applies counterfactual analysis method to tourism forecasting,broadens the thinking of conventional tourism forecasting research and greatly improves the accuracy of potential results evaluation of tourism-related variables.Secondly,the results of our research can provide some ideas for the adjustment of emergency disaster management mechanism.Through the assessment of the impact severe natural disasters,we can effectively identify the nature of the impact of disasters,including the degree and the duration of the impact,and then it is helpful in guiding the allocation of relief funds,optimizing the planning design and practice of post-disaster regional tourism reconstruction,so as to create a good legal environment for natural disasters prevention and response.
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