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Removing protein is one of the important elements in the process of algae polysaccharide purification.In order to improve the efficiency of polysaccharide purification,the present paper mainly investigated the technology of protein removal from Haematococcus pluvialis polysaccharide,so as to optimize the process of de-protein.Operating parameters for deprotemization by Sevag method of polysaccharide from Haematococcus pluvialis were optimized using an orthogonal array design.The optimal conditions for deproteinizing crude polysaccharide by Sevag's method were found to be five treatment cycles with a mixture of chloroform and n-butyl alcohol(5:1,V/V)at a solid-to-solvent ratio of 1:4(g/mL).Under these conditions,the deprotemization rate and the polysaccharide content were 88.14% and 34.85%,respectively.The results showed that Sevag method is a potential effective way to remove Haematococcus pluvialis polysaccharide protein,and providing references for the development and utilization of Haematococcus pluvialis polysaccharide.
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