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随着社会和经济的快速发展,地理信息产业显现了巨大发展潜力和无限广阔的前景。DEM作为地信产业非常重要的基础数据,不仅可用于制作数字正射影像、数字三维模型等衍生数据产品,还可以满足不同行业终端用户的应用需求。本文作者在Dtm Expert软件的基础上,通过对DEM精细化处理方法及工艺流程的深入研究,对传统方法做了大量改进并应用于地理国情普查等实际生产项目中,取得了良好的效果。采用新的方法及工艺流程后,不仅提升了DEM成果的精细化程度,其处理效率更是得到了5-10倍的提升,形成了具有一定推广价值的研究成果,产生了不错的社会和经济效益。
With the rapid development of society and economy, the geographic information industry has shown great potential and unlimited prospects. DEM is very important basic data for the industry, not only can be used to produce digital orthoimages, digital three-dimensional models and other derived data products, but also to meet the needs of different end users of the industry. On the basis of Dtm Expert software, the author makes a further optimization of the related method and process flow of DEM refinement. It has resulted in performance promotion and applied to the practical production projects, such as geographical conditions census, which has produced good results.
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