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Objective:Explore the maternity and child care pediatricians on developmental dislocation of the hip roution screening.Method:In our hospital in October 2014- born in December 2015,1362 cases of neonatal incorporate hip check roution physical examination,Uitrasound diagnosis for positive or suspected positive signs,In three weeks after review and follow- up.Result:Found in 2 cases,congenital hip dislocation subluxation in 1case,Incidence of 2.2 per thousand.After the intervention to cure.Conclusions:Neonatal screening for developmental dislocation of the hip is an effective measures of early detection,early intervention.
    [3]Lehmann HP,Hinton R,Morello P,et al.Development dysplasia of the hip practice guideline:technical report.Committee on quality improvement,and subcommittee on developmental dysplasia of the hip.Pediatrics,2000,105(4):E57.