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粒径是影响浮游植物的诸多生物地球化学性质的重要因素,应用高效液相色谱法(HPLC),本研究于2014年在黄海与东海采集了光合色素浓度信息,通过特征色素与叶绿素a的关系,估算得到浮游植物粒径结构。经与实测数据验证表明,三组分模型(Brewin et al.,2010)在该研究区域对于遥感估算浮游植物粒径有着较好的适用性。
Size classes play an important in biogeochemistry properties of phytoplankton in the marine ecosystem. Based on pigment concentration information derived from HPLC(high performance liquid chromatography) in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, relationships between chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton size classes were found. Through validation with in situ match-ups, three-component model from Brewin et al.(2010) was proved to be suitable in retrieving size classes in the study area from space.
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