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The pollution caused by oil extraction waste water to the environment has gradually caused the attention of environmentalists;high salinity oil extraction waste water will also cause soil salinization and bring great harm to the environment.However,due to the lack of the standard data and instructional experiment methods,the environmental protection department can' t set up formal system of desalination processing.In this paper we give the mathematical model for the simulation of the salinization process caused by the discharge of salt-containing waste water,and explain the application of Hydrus-1D for simulating water and salt in the soil on the basis of experiment data.The water content of soil samples is measured through soil-column experiment and salt content is simulated with Hydrus-1D according to the experiment results and model parameters and the composition of the bottoms of soil immersed in the salt solution.The application of Hydrus-1D for simulating water and salt in the soil determines the boundary condition and initial condition of the simulation,and the model parameters are corrected based on the experimental data of water content and salt content in the thirtieth day.The basic soil water movement equation are Richards equation and van Genuchten-Mualem model,and the basic soil movement equation is advection-dispersion equation for simulating;upper boundary condition is atmospheric boundary,lower boundary is a constant flux boundary,i.e.,the initial water content,the initial salt content.The model parameters have adaptability and representative for simulating water and salt in the soil.
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