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通过对高速公路大货车违法占道行驶实时检测中相关关键技术的研究,利用数字图像处理及计算机视觉技术设计实现实时检测系统。本文主要介绍系统总体设计方案及工作流程,并实现各功能模块。系统分为前端设备通信控制、车辆检测与识别、违法检测判别跟踪、LED违法警示管理、违法数据传输管理五个功能模块,采用VS2008软件开发平台、Open CV函数库及Postgresq110数据库,实现系统开发。
through research on Key Technology in real-time detection of illegal lane highway trucks driving,realize real-time detection system based on digital image processing and computer vision technology design.This paper mainly introduces system overall design scheme and the working process,and the detailed design of each module.The system is divided into communication front-end equipment control,vehicle detection and recognition and detect illegal discriminant tracking,such illegal warning management,illegal data transmission management five modules,using VS2008 software development platform,complete various functional modules Opencv function library and Postgresq 110 database,system development.
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