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为实现船舶操纵性的在线预报及自适应运动控制,针对Nomoto二阶非线性运动模型参数辨识问题,将最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machines,LSSVM)与多新息方法相结合,提出一种新的多新息在线LSSVM辨识建模方法。实验结果表明,使用所提出的算法辨识的模型进行预报的拟合误差可达到4.76%以下,能准确拟合船舶操纵运动模型
In order to achieve online prediction of ship maneuverability and adaptive motion control,least squares support vector machine is combined with a multi-innovation algorithm to put forward a new online identification modeling method based on multi-innovation least squares support vector machine for second order nonlinear nomoto motion model parameters identification.The experimental results show that the fitting error of prediction by using the identified model can reach under 4.76%,and accurately fit ship maneuvering motion model.
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