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为了找出适宜的秋冬季智利竹筴鱼(Trachurus murphyi)栖息地指数模型,本论文根据2003-2009年5-9月智利竹筴鱼的商业捕捞数据,结合环境因子(海表面温度(SST)和海表面高度(SSH)),分别以作业次数和CPUE为基础,采用外包络法建立SST、SSH的适应性指数(SI),采用算术平均法(AMM)、几何平均法(GMM)建立栖息地指数(HSI)模型计算其栖息地指数,选择合适的模型后,加以权重进行分析比较。并以2010-2011年度的捕捞数据进行验证。研究结果表明:以作业次数为基础,采用外包络法建立SST、SSH的适应性指数能较好地反映现实情况,在考虑到权重的情况下,5-9月SST最佳权重分别为0.4、0.7、0.6、0.7、0.1。研究也以为,不同月份的SST和SSH对秋冬季智利竹筴鱼渔场分布有着不同的影响。
To find out the habitat suitability index of Chilean Jack Mackerel during the fall and winter, this paper based on the commercial fishing data of Chilean Jack Mackerel in Southeast Pacific from 2003 to 2009, combined with oceanic environmental data. Fishing times-based and CPUE-based Suitability Index(SI) Models were estimated by using the method of Data Envelopment Analysis. Using Arithmetic Mean Model(AMM) and Geometric Mean Model(GMM), the integrated habitat suitability index(HSI) was established based on SST and SSH.This paper check the model by the datas of 2010-2011. The result is that the habitat suitability index of Chilean Jack Mackerel during the fall and winter based on efforts, by using External envelope method, with weights of SST is 0.4,0.7,0.6,0.7,0.1.The conclusion is that different SST and SSH of months have different effects on Chilean Jack Mackerel during the fall and winter.Adaptive SST and SSH of different months is not the same..

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