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针对Db N小波变换分解后的子序列具有不同的特性,仅采用支持向量机建立所有子序列的预测模型,会导致大量输入的训练数据影响模型预测精度的问题,本文提出使用灰色理论(最少4个数据就能建立模型)和支持向量机分别对小波变换分解后的平稳尺度子序列和不断变化的细节子序列建立预测模型.将该预测模型应用于乌梁素海PH值时间序列预测,通过与传统的支持向量机模型和BP神经网络模型比较,结果表明:本文新的水质预测模型在个别监测点的预测效果存在不足,但是总体预测效果明显优于传统的预测模型,平均相对误差由0.88,降低到0.51.
As the sub-sequence decomposed by Db N having different properties, a large number of input training data will affect the prediction accuracy of the model if using SVM to build predictive models for all sub-sequences. This paper proposes using GM(at least four data can create models) and SVM to build predictive models of stationary scale sub-sequence and changing details sub-sequences, respectively. The new prediction model is applied to predict PH values of Wuliangsuhai, which is compared with the traditional models based on SVM and BP neural network. The results show that the accuracy of the new model is inadequate in the individual monitoring date, but its overall effect of prediction is better than the traditional models, the average relative error is reduced from 0.88 to 0.51.
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