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斜带石斑鱼是一种重要的海水经济养殖鱼类,病害是制约水产养殖业的一个重要的因素。近年来,葡聚糖作为一种新型的天然免疫增强剂在水产养殖中得到广泛的应用。本文,我们使用腹腔注射法免疫斜带石斑鱼,在免疫后的6h和72h分别取头肾,淋巴细胞,胸腺和脾脏组织进行转录测序。转录组测序结果一共组装了175568条Unigene,平均长度是1507bp。通过Blast比对数据库进行功能注释,一共注释了121629条Unigene。基因差异表达分析获得葡聚糖刺激后的各组织的显著差异表达的免疫相关基因。对差异基因进行GO和KEGG富集分析,免疫相关的显著富集通路主要为toll-like receptor,RIG-1-like receptor和T-cell receptor信号通路等。本研究结果为阐明葡聚糖调节鱼类免疫系统的作用机制提供数据参考。
Orange-spotted grouper is one of the dominant aquaculture species around the world.However, the grouper industry is faced with many diseases in recent times. Glucan have being shown to have immunostimulatory effects that promote survival and disease resistance in many cultured fish. In this study grouper fish was intraperitoneally injected and the immune response observed in lymphocyte, thymus, Head-kidney and spleen after 6 hr and 72 hr following transcriptome analysis. The results have assembled 175568 Unigene altogether with average length 1507 bp. A total of 121629 contigs were annotated according to bioinformatics datebases.Results of the DEGs shows enrichment in the toll-like receptor and RIG-1-like receptor pathways in all four tissues at both time points. Our results provide valuable information for further analysis of the response of grouper under the regulation of glucan as well as an overview of the immune-related genes.

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