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时域离散伽略金法(Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain,DGTD)是一种兼备时域有限元(FETD)网格剖分的灵活性和时域有限差分(FDTD)显式迭代特点的新兴算法。现有文献在非结构网格情形下相邻四面体公共面的判定方面缺乏简便的快速算法。本文给出一种基于"空间投盒子"技术的四面体公共面快速判断方法。数值结果说明了本文算法的准确性和有效性。
Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain(DGTD) is an explicit marching-on-in-time method like Finite Difference Time Domain(FDTD) and able to model complex structure and medium like Finite Element Time Domain(FETD) method. But the problem of fast determination for common face of unstructured mesh is unsolved. In this paper, a fast algorithm called "Casting Box" is given to find common face of the adjacent tetrahedrons. The numerical results show that the methods are accurate and effective.
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