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     在走向“更好规制(better regulation)”的时代,学习这些经验,努力促成反垄断法规制寡头多元模式在中国的生成,是中国作为后发地区制定反垄断相关法律制度的所具有的“后发优势”,也是中国实现“培育有国际竞争力的大企业大集团”战略,提升寡头垄断市场绩效的可行之径。
From the development and practice of main western industrialized countries, therehas been a rising trend of concentration of major productive sectors. A large number ofmultinational corporations as the representative of oligopolies hold overwhelmingadvantages in these countries’ economic sectors, and become the sign of their nationaleconomy competence. Therefore it is believe that forming and cultivating large enterprisesand groups with strong international competitiveness and improving the nation’s industrialconcentration plays a significant role in the overall market performance of a nation.Although prominent theories of industry organization from Harvard School and ChicagoSchool differ greatly about the motivation and influencing factors in market structure,enterprise behavior, and market performance.“should use antitrust law to regulateenterprises’ behavior, restrict the development of monopoly power to maintain anappropriate competition in the market” and “market structure determines corporatebehavior, which in turn determines the market performance” is their commonunderstanding. However, in the implementation of antitrust law, the differences betweenthe “regulating an oligopoly’s behavior”(action) and the “normative behavior of anoligopoly”(result) is often overlooked. Thus, the relationship between “reasonable marketstructure-normative behavior of enterprise-perfect market performance” is wronglysimplified as “antitrust law regulate enterprise’s behavior-perfect market performance”.Because of this, the regulating effect of antitrust law is overly magnified, and theenforcement agencies rely solely on antitrust law to regulate oligopoly.As a result, many oligopolies has been mistreated by the enfocement agency, because oligopolies prefer to“dance along the”, thus the deterrent effect of antitrust law is counterproductive. Theenforcement of antitrust laws thus becomes an obstacle against growth of enterprises(including the oligopoly) while negatively affecting the public’s valuation of antitrust law.
     To overcome the drawbacks of using a univariate-model, the regulator has had tocomplete the system from all-round aspects, including preventing violations before theyoccur, monitoring for violations, and providing reasonable relief measures. The legislation,enforcement and justice of antitrust law has also introduced a great number of economic,moral, ethical, cultural factors, which interact and greatly enrich the regulation “tool-kit”of antitrust law, resulting in a change from an univariate-model to a multivariate-model.This shift has a solid practical basis, and it’s a process that regulator constantly balance thesystem demands according to social changes. This shift also has a solid theoretical basis, itreflects the superstructure’s response to the changes in economic relationship, and it alsoreflects that as a regulation manner, antitrust law’s response to different regulation objects,different manners for different and appropriate tools. In the survival of the fittestenvironment that generated from multivariate-model, regulators put in a lot of additionaleffort to supplement the existing system. But the effects of these efforts are mixed. Somesystems had a great success, such as the forgiveness system and compliance system; butsome failed and were replaced by regulator replacement system. Those systems thatsuccessfully survived had amazing convergence.
     In the era of approaching to “better regulation”, to learn about these experiences andpromote multivariate-model antitrust regulation on oligopoly in China, which is alate-developing area, is our late-developing advantage when establish related antitrust lawsystem, it’s also an effective way for China to achieve “cultivate large enterprises andgroups with strong international competitiveness” strategy and improve oligopolymonopoly market performance.
    1Standard Oil Co. of New Jersy v. United States,221U.S.1(1911).
    1OECD, Hard Core Cartels: Recent Progress and Challenges Ahead,2003, P11,http://www.oecd.org/document/36/0,3343,en_2649_40381615_2516132_1_1_1_37463,00.html,(访问日期:2008年7月5日)。
    34See Frank H. Easterbrook, The Limits of Antitrust,63Tex. L. Rev.1, August,1984.Christine Parker, The “Compliance” Trap: The Moral Message in Responsive Regulatory Enforcement, Law&SocietyReview v.40no.3, September,2006.
    2See Melamed, A. D., Antitrust: The New Regulation,10Antitrust ABA, pp.13-15(1995). And see First, Is Antirust“Law”?,10Antitrust ABA, pp.9-12(1995).
    1Christine Parker, The “Compliance” Trap: The Moral Message in Responsive Regulatory Enforcement, Law&SocietyReview v.40no.3, September,2006.
    1See Estelle M. Phillips&D. S. Pugh, How to Get A PhD: A Handbook for Students and their Supervisors, OpenUniversity Press1994, p.42.
    2Andrew Schotter, The Economic Theory of Social Institution, Cambridge University Press1980, p.11.
    3[德] K.茨威格特、H.克茨著:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社2003年版,第6页。
    4Vivian Grosswald Curran, Culture Immersion, Difference and Categories in U.S.Comparative Law, American Journalof Comparative Law,vol.46,1998,p.45.
    5[德]诺瓦里斯著:《诺瓦里斯集(第三卷)》,转引自[德] K.茨威格特、H.克茨著:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社2003年版,德文第二版序。
    2See R.David,Comparative Law,Study of,The Encyclopedia Britannica(1977)Vol.4,P1037.转引自沈宗灵:《比较法学的方法论》,《法制与社会发展》1996年03期。
    3Wyche, S., Sengers, P., and Grinter, R.E., Historical Analysis: Using the Past to Design the Future, Proc. of the8thInternational Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp '06),2006.
    2See State Oil Co. v. Khan,522U.S.3(1997).此案推翻了Albrecht v. Herald Co.(1968)案中确立的“最高转售价格限制是本身违法的”原则。桑德拉法官在强调遵循先例重要性的基础上,解释了何以推翻先例。
    2经济合作发展组织认为,限制价格、围标、限制产量或者划分市场等核心卡特尔,导致相关市场供给减少、价格异常上涨的结果,不仅损害了消费者福利,而且导致社会资源浪费及市场经济的非效率,因此,对未参与卡特尔组织的经营者和消费者而言,卡特尔行为是一种市场暴力,是最重大的反竞争行为。”See OECD, Report on Leniency Programmes to Fight Hard Core Cartels,2001,http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/49/16/2474442.pdf,(访问日期:2009年3月1日)。
    1See Ring, P.S. and Van de Ven, A.H., Developmental Processes of Cooperative Interorganizational Relationships,Academy of Management Review199419(1),pp.90-118.
    2See Frederick T. Knickerbocker, Oligopolistic Reaction and Multinational Enterprise, Harvard University Press1973, p192.
    3See Donald F. Turner, The Definition of Agreement Under the Sherman Act: Conscious. Parallelism andRefusals to Deal,75HARV. L. REV.655,671(1962).
    2KFTC, Price-fixing by10Petrochemical Companies,http://eng.ftc.go.kr/bbs.do?command=getList&type_cd=20,(访问日期:2009年2月1日)。
    4See Margaret C. Levenstein&Valerie Y. Suslow, What Determines Cartel Success?, Univ. of MichiganBusiness School, Working Paper No.02–001, Jan.31,2002, http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=299415,(访问日期:2009年6月5日)。
    1Christopher R. Leslie, Trust, Distrust, and Antitrust, Texas Law Review, Vol.82, No.3, February2004,pp.562-581.
    3See Joe S. Bain, Barriers to New Competition, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1956, p.5; FredericM. Scherer, Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, Chicago, IL: Rand McNally,1970, p.10.
    1See Frederic M. Scherer, Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, Chicago, IL: Rand McNally,1970, pp.3—7.
    2See USDOJ, LG, Sharp, Chunghwa Agree to Plead Guilty, Pay Total of$585Million in Fines for Participating in LCDPrice-fixing Conspiracies,08-1002, http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2008/November/08-at-1002.html,(访问日期:2010年6月4日)。
    3根据Global and China Flat Panel TV (FPTV) Industry Report (2009-2010)及DisplaySearch Quarterly Large-AreaTFT LCD Shipment Report数据统计。
    3See J. Bain, Industrail Organization, John Wiley&Sons1968, p.252.
    3See Emilios Avgouleas, The mechanics and regulation of market abuse: a legal and economic analysis, OxfordUniversity Press,2005, p.160.
    3See: Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Tradehttp://www.jftc.go.jp/en/legislation_guidelines/ama/amended_ama09/02.html,(访问日期:2010年8月4日)。
    1See DOJ, Justice Department Withdraws Report on Antitrust Monopoly Law,http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2009/May/09-at-459.html,(访问日期:2008年7月5日)。
    2See OECD, Hard Core Cartels: Recent Progress and Challenges Ahead,2003, P11,http://www.oecd.org/document/36/0,3343,en_2649_40381615_2516132_1_1_1_37463,00.html,(访问日期:2008年7月5日)。
    4See United States v. Trans-Missouri Freight Assn,166U. S.290(1987).
    1Northern Pacific Railway Company ET al. v. United States,365U.S.1(1958).
    2See Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc.,551U.S.877(2007).
    3See Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States,221U.S.1(1911)
    4弗兰克·伊斯特布鲁克法官是美国第七巡回上诉法院(United States Court ofAppeals)法官,芝加哥大学法学院高级讲师。
    5See Frank H. Easterbrook, The Limits of Antitrust,63Tex. L. Rev.1, August,1984.
    67See Brown Shoe Co., Inc. v. United States,370U.S.294(1962).See Donald F. Turner, The Definition of Agreement Under the Sherman Act: Conscious. Parallelism and Refusals toDeal,75HARV. L. REV.655,671(1962).
    2See Steven Musil, FCC Approves Sirius-XM Satellite Radio Merger,http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-10000241-94.html,(访问日期:2011年3月8日)。
    3See Frank H. Easterbrook, The Limits of Antitrust,63Tex. L. Rev.1, August,1984.
    4See Frank H. Easterbrook, The Limits of Antitrust,63Tex. L. Rev.1, August,1984.
    1See Christine Parker, The “Compliance” Trap: The Moral Message in Responsive Regulatory Enforcement, Law&Society Review v.40no.3(September2006),pp.591-622.
    2See J C Coffee,“No Soul To Damn: No Body To Kick”: An Unscandalized Enquiry Into The Problem Of CorporatePunishment, Michigan Law Review79, no.3(1981), pp.386–459.
    3See Christine Parker, The “Compliance”Trap: The Moral Message in Responsive Regulatory Enforcement, Law&Society Review v.40no.3(September2006), pp.591-622.
    4Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_compliance#cite_note-0,(访问日期:2008年7月5日)。
    5SeeTom R. Tyler&Yuen J. Huo, Trust in the Law: Encouraging Public Cooperation with the Police and Courts
    (Russell Sage Foundation Series on Trust, Volume5), Russell Sage Foundation Publications2002, p.5.
    6Gary S. Becker, Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol.76, No.2.
    (Mar.-Apr.,1968), p.169.
    7See Donald I. Baker, Pyrrhic Victories? Reexamining The Effectiveness Of Antitrust Remedies In RestoringCompetition And Detterring Misconduct The Use Of Criminal Law Remedies To Deter And Punish Cartels AndBid-Rigging,69Geo. Wash. L. Rev.693(2001), p.714.
    1See Christine Parker, The “Compliance” Trap: The Moral Message in Responsive Regulatory Enforcement, Law&Society Review v.40no.3(September2006), pp.591-622.
    1See Dennis C. Mueller, Lessons from the United States Antitrust History, International Journal of IndustrialOrganization,1996, Vol.14,415-445.
    3这是美国著名经济学家乔治·沃德·斯托金(George Ward Stocking)的观点。转引自[荷]狄雍、[美]谢泼德主编:《产业组织理论先驱:竞争与垄断理论形成和发展的轨迹》,蒲艳、张志奇译,经济科学出版社2010年版,第219页。
    4See Pillsbury Mills, FTC Dkt.6000,50F.T.C.555,(1953).
    1Mirjan R. Damaska, Evidence Law Adrift, Yale University Press1997, p.24.
    1See United States v. IBM Corp., Dkt. No.69-Civ.-200(S.D.N.Y. complaint filed Jan.17,1969).
    2Philip Areeda, Louis Kaplow, Aaron S. Edlin, Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases, Sixth Edition. Aspen,2004, pp.75.
    23See John Bates Clark and John Maurice Clark, The Control of Trusts, Macmillan Co.,1914, p.3.See United States v. AT&T,179U.S.App.D.C.198,551F.2d384(1976).
    4See John Bates Clark and John Maurice Clark, The Control of Trusts, Macmillan Co.,1914, p.3.
    4See Alfred E. Kahn, The economics of regulation: Principles and Institutions, Cambridge (MA) Press1988, p.220.
    5See Philip J. Weiser, The Relationship of Antitrust and Regulation in a Deregulatory Era,50Antitrust Bull.549
    6值得一提的是,爱尔兰的规制改革。其特殊之处在于,是司法判决而不是立法或行政机构推动了规制改革。诚如爱尔兰交通部长考戴德(Dr. McDaid)所言,“我无法想象,如果没有高等法院的判决,这部放弃了数量管制的出租车法怎么可能被国会接受。如果不是法院通过司法程序做出判决废除数量管制,任何试图取消数量管制的政府改革都可能引发柏林街头的暴乱。”See Ireland Taxi Regulation Bill2003: Second Stage (Resumed).
    7以出租车行业的改革为例,各地放松规制的效果是混合的,既有符合理论预期的一面(如出租车数量增多,约车等候时间减少),也有不符合理论预期的一面(如多数地方的费率并未显著下降,服务质量也未明显提高,服务创新也很少,行业结构更加细碎,经营者和司机的平均收入有所减少)。总的来说,放松规制没有给消费者带来足够的好处,在目前的行业条件下,放松规制不是非常有效。See Choong-Ho Kang, Taxi Deregulation:International Comparison, Dissertation in completion of Degree of MSc(Eng) Transport Planning and Engineering, TheUniversity of Leeds (London, ITF,1998), pp.20-22.
    3See OECD, The OECD Report on Regulatory Reform, Synthesis,1977.
    4See OECD, The OECD Report on Regulatory Reform, Synthesis,1977.
    2See R.A.Posner, Economic Analysis of Law, Little Brown,1977,p.112.
    4R. Baldwin and M. Cave, Understanding Regulation: Theory, Strategy, and Practice, Oxford University Press1999,p.113.
    6See Christine Parker, The “Compliance” Trap: The Moral Message in Responsive Regulatory Enforcement, Law&
    7Society Review v.40no.3(September2006),pp.591-622.See R Clifford Potter, Settlement of Claims and Litigation in the US: Legal Rules, Negotiation Strategies and In-HouseGuidelines,14Int'l Bus. Law.51(1986).
    1See Talbot Shaw Lindstrom and Kevin P. Tighe, Trade Regulation by Negotiation: Federal Trade Commission ConsentDecrees, Bureau of National Affairs1980, pp.109-110.
    2See Thomas E. Kauper, The Justice Department and the Antitrust Laws: Law Enforcer or Regulator?,35. Antitrtst Bull83,1990.
    4See A. D. Melamed, Antitrust: The New Regulation,10Antitrust ABA, pp.13-15(1995).
    1See Sullivan, The Antitrust Division as a Regulatory Agency: An Enforcement Policy in Transition,64Wash. U. L. Q.
    2See Harry First, Is Antirust “Law”?,10Antitrust ABA, pp.9-12(1995).
    (65%    3参见邵万钦著:《美国企业并购浪潮》,中国商务出版社2005年版,第52—60页。
    2See ITT, About ITT, http://www.itt.com/about/,(访问日期:2011年12月8日)。
    3See Standard Oil Company of New Jersey v. United States,221U.S.1(1911).
    45See Chicago Board of Trade v. United States,246U.S.231(1918).See United States v. United shoe Machinery Company of New Jersey,247U.S.32(1918).
    6See United States v. Trenton Potteries Co.,273U.S.392(1927).
    2See William Landes, The Fire of Truth: A Remembrance of Law and Econ at Chicago, JLE (1981).
    4M·弗里德曼(M. Friedman,1912—2006),是美国经济学家,1976年取得诺贝尔经济学奖,被誉为20世纪最重要的经济学家之一。
    1See CUTs,“Public Interest” Issues In Competition Analysis, CCIER-5-2008.
    4See Neil Gunningham and Peter Grabosky, Smart Regulation: Designing Environmental Policy, Clarendon Press1998,p.105.
    5See Lan Ayres and John Braithwaite, Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate, OxfordUniversity Press1992,p.35. And see John Braithwaite, Restorative justice and Responsive Regulation, Oxford Univ.Press,2002, p.168.
    6Lan Ayres and John Braithwaite, Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate, Oxford UniversityPress1992,p.35.
    7See Lan Ayres and John Braithwaite, Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate, OxfordUniversity Press1992,p.35.
    8See R. Baldwin and J. Black, Really Responsive Regulation, Modern Law Review (2008)71(1), pp.59-94.
    1See R. Baldwin and J. Black, Really Responsive Regulation, Modern Law Review (2008)71(1), pp.59-94.
    2See R. Baldwin and J. Black, Really Responsive Regulation, Modern Law Review (2008)71(1), pp.59-94.
    3Lan Ayres and John Braithwaite, Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate, Oxford UniversityPress1992,p.35.
    4See Lan Ayres and John Braithwaite, Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate, Oxford
    5University Press1992,p.35.See Lan Ayres and John Braithwaite, Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate, OxfordUniversity Press1992,p.35.
    1John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice And Responsive Regulation, Oxford University Press2001,p.29-32.
    1See Christine Parker, The “Compliance” Trap: The Moral Message in Responsive Regulatory Enforcement, Law&Society Review v.40no.3(September2006),pp.591-622.
    2John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice And Responsive Regulation, Oxford University Press2001,p.30-32.
    2See John Bates Clark and John Maurice Clark, The Control of Trusts, Macmillan Co.,1914, p.22.
    3See Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer, The Evolution of Common Law, Journal of Political Economy, Universityof Chicago Press, vol.115, pp.43-68.
    1马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber)(1864年4月21日-1920年6月14日),是德国的政治经济学家和社会学家,他被公认是现代社会学和公共行政学最重要的创始人之一。
    3See Ky P. Ewing, Jr., Competition Rules for the21st Century: Principles from America’s Experience, Kluwer LawInternational,2006,p.287.
    4See Joseph E. Harrington, Corporate Leniency Programs and the Role of the Antitrust in Detecting Collusion,CPRCDiscussion Paper Series18-E, http://www.jftc.go.jp/cprc/DP/CPDP-18-E.pdf,(访问时间:2008年12月23日)。
    1See: Ky P. Ewing, Jr., Competition Rules fir the21stCentury: Principles from America’s Experience, Kluwer LawInternational,2006, pp.632-643.
    2Donald C. Klawiter, U.S. Corporate Leniency after the Blockbuster Cartels:Are We Entering a NewEra?,http://www.iue.it/RSCAS/Research/Competition/2006(pdf)/200610-COMPed-Klawiter.pdf,(访问日期:2008年11月3日)。
    2Scott D. Hammond,Detecting and Deterring Cartel Activity Through an Effective Leniency Program,http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/speeches/9928.htm#N_1,(访问日期:2008年7月16日)。
    1See William J Baer, Tim Frazer, Luc Gyselen&Frank Liss,International Leniency Regimes: New Developments andTheir Strategic Implications, The Antitrust Review of the Americas,http://www.arnoldporter.com/resources/documents/International_Lenieney_GCR.pdf,(访问日期:2009年3月2日)
    2Scott D. Hammond, Cornerstones Of An Effective Leniency Program,2004,http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/soeecges/206611.htm,(访问日期:2008年11月5日)。
    3Scott D. Hammond, Cornerstones Of An Effective Leniency Program,2004,http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/soeecges/206611.htm,(访问日期:2008年11月5日)。
    1See D.M.Kreps&R.Wilson, Reputation and Perfect Information, Journal of Economic Theory,1982(27), pp.253-278.
    2See Jean Tirole, A Theory of Collective Reputation, Review of Economic Studies,1996(63), pp.1-22.
    3See Kevin T. Jackson, Building Reputational Capital: Strategies for Integrity and Fair Play That Improve the BottomLine (Hardcover), Oxford University Press,2004, p.3.
    1See Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reputation,(访问日期:2009年10月1日)。
    2Christopher R. Leslie, Trust, Distrust, and Antitrust, Texas Law Review, Vol.82, No.3,2004, pp.517-525.
    1See Peter Huber, Competition, Conglomerates, and the Evolution of Cooperation, Yale Law Journal,1984(93:6), pp.1147-1172.
    2Christopher R. Leslie, Trust, Distrust, and Antitrust, Texas Law Review, Vol.82, No.3,2004, p.638.
    3See Christopher R. Leslie, Trust, Distrust, and Antitrust, Texas Law Review, Vol.82, No.3,2004, pp.517-518.
    2See Kreps, David M.&Wilson, Robert, Reputation and Imperfect Information, Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier,vol.27(2), pp.253-279.
    3See Christopher R. Leslie, Trust, Distrust, and Antitrust, Texas Law Review, Vol.82, No.3, February2004,pp.517-518.
    6See Michihiro Kandori, Social Norms and Community Enforcement, The Review of Economic Studies, Vol.59, No.1(Jan.,1992), pp.63-80.
    1Merry, Sally Engle, Rethinking Gossip and Scandal, in Donald Black (ed.),Toward a General Theory of Social Control,Academic Press (1984).
    1See Christopher R. Leslie, Trust, Distrust, and Antitrust, Texas Law Review, Vol.82, No.3, February2004, pp.540-542.
    2See Scott D. Hammond, Fighting Cartels-Why and How?(Lessons Common To Detecting and Deterring CartelActivity), The3rd Nordic Competition Policy Conference, Sept.12,2000,http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/speeches/6487.htm,(访问日期:2008年10月30日)。
    1Glenn Ellison, Cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma with Anonymous Random Matching, The Review of Economic
    2Studies, Vol.61, No.3(Jul.,1994), pp.567-588.Michihiro Kandori, Social Norms and Community Enforcement, The Review of Economic Studies, Vol.59, No.1
    (Jan.,1992), pp.63-80.
    2See OECD, Report on Leniency Programmes to Fight Hard Core Cartels,http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/49/16/2474442.pdf,(访问日期:2008年11月5日)。
    1See ICN, Competition Advocacy in Regulated Sectors: Examples of Success,2004Annual Conference(Seoul, Korea).
    2See Timothy J. Muris, Creating a Culture of Competition: The Essential Role of Competition Advocacy, InternationalCompetition Network Panel on Competition Advocacy and Antitrust Authorities,http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/muris/020928naples.shtm,(访问日期:2010年9月19日)。
    3See Timothy J. Muris, Creating a Culture of Competition: The Essential Role of Competition Advocacy, International
    Competition Network Panel on Competition Advocacy and Antitrust Authorities,http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/muris/020928naples.shtm,(访问日期:2010年9月19日)。
    1See ICN, Advocacy and Competition Policy,(2002), p.i.
    2See ICN, Competition Advocacy in Regulated Sectors: Examples of Success,2004Annual Conference(Seoul, Korea).
    3See Timothy J. Muris, Creating a Culture of Competition: The Essential Role of Competition Advocacy, InternationalCompetition Network Panel on Competition Advocacy and Antitrust Authorities,http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/muris/020928naples.shtm,(访问日期:2010年9月19日)。
    1See ICN, Advocacy and Competition Policy,(2002), p.1.
    2See Maurice E. Stucke, Morality and Antitrust, Colum. Bus. L. Rev. Vol.46,(2006), No.4, pp.460-470.
    2See Robert Crandall and Jerry Ellig, Economic Deregulation and Customer Choice: Lessons for the Electric Industry,Center for Market Processes1997, p.2.
    1See Young Son Shin, KFTC’S Competition Advocacy and It’s Implications, Asia Competition Law Forum (2009),HangZhou, p.6.
    1See OECD, Competition Assessment Toolkit,2007.
    1See SEAE, The Importance of Communications: Enhancing Competition Advocacy in Brazil,2002.
    3See OECD, Annual Report On Competition Policy Developments In Brazil2002.
    1See SEAE, The Importance of Communications: Enhancing Competition Advocacy in Brazil,2002.
    2See OECD, Annual Report On Competition Policy Developments In Brazil2002.
    2See Salvatore Lazzari, The Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax of the1980s: Implications for Current Energy Policy, CRSReport for Congress, March9,2006, p.5.
    4See F.Y.Edgeworth, The Pure Theory of Taxation, Economic Journal46-70(1897), pp.223-238,550-571.转引自刘大平:《转型期税收制度调节个人收入分配的有效性研究》,西南财经大学2007年博士论文,第8页。
    3See Presidency of Jimmy Carter, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Jimmy_Carter,(访问日期:2010年9月19日)。
    4See Salvatore Lazzari, The Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax of the1980s: Implications for Current Energy Policy, CRSReport for Congress, March9,2006, p.5.
    5此表根据Sections4986-4998of1986Internal Revenue Code; Commerce Clearinghouse,1987; and ResearchDivision of the Internal Revenue Service制作。See Salvatore Lazzari, The Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax of the1980s:Implications for Current Energy Policy, CRS Report for Congress, March9,2006, p.5.
    1此表根据Sections4986-4998of1986Internal Revenue Code; Commerce Clearinghouse,1987; and ResearchDivision of the Internal Revenue Service制作。See Salvatore Lazzari, The Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax of the1980s:Implications for Current Energy Policy, CRS Report for Congress, March9,2006, p.5.
    2See MoneyNews, Venezuela Imposing Oil Extraction Tax,http://archive.newsmax.com/money/archives/articles/2006/5/7/175913.cfm,(访问日期:2010年3月9日)。
    1See Universal, Venezuela sets oil windfall tax for oil price at USD40-70,http://www.eluniversal.com/2011/04/27/venezuela-sets-oil-windfall-tax-for-oil-price-at-usd-40-70.shtml,(访问日期:2011年8月18日)。
    1See Salvatore Lazzari, The Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax of the1980s: Implications for Current Energy Policy, CRSReport for Congress, March9,2006, pp.11-12.
    1See Editor, Record Profits Mean Record Taxes, Investor's Business Daily, February12,2008.
    2See Salvatore Lazzari, The Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax of the1980s: Implications for Current Energy Policy, CRSReport for Congress, March9,2006, p.5.
    3See Utility Week, Finnish Energy Companies Face Windfall Tax Ambush,
    1See Rod Adams, Nuclear Energy Production Is So Profitable That Germany Plans a$2.8Billion Per Year WindfallProfits Tax,http://atomicinsights.com/2010/06/nuclear-energy-production-is-so-profitable-that-germany-plans-a-2-8-billion-per-year-windfall-profits-tax.html,(访问日期:2011年9月4日)。
    3See Bruno S. Frey and Lars P. Feld, Deterrence and Morale in Taxation: An Empirical Analysis, CESifo WorkingPaper Series No.760,August2002.
    1理查德·阿贝尔·马斯格雷夫(RichardAbel Musgrave)(1910—2007年)是二十世纪最主要的政治经济学家之一,全球著名的现代财政学(公共经济学)家。作为战后伟大的经济学家和思想家,理查德马斯格雷夫被誉为现代财政学的真正开拓者之一,是现代财政学之父。
    4See Salvatore Lazzari, The Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax of the1980s: Implications for Current Energy Policy, CRSReport for Congress, March9,2006, p.5.
    1有学者认为,合规制度即是指“合规指引”(compliance guidance),是反垄断主管机构协助、引领企业构建合规制度的行为。从性质上来说,它是反垄断主管机构实施竞争推进的具体制度之一。但是本研究认为,无论是从理念上(推进侧重于价值观念的推广),还是从参与该制度的主体方面而言(合规制度参与的主要人员是企业、行业组织、竞争主管机构,而推进是反垄断主管机构的行为)二者都存在巨大差异。加之,合规制度存在巨大的制度价值,因此,它足以成为一种独立于竞争推进的规制制度。参见张占江:《竞争倡导研究》,载《法学研究》2010年第5期。
    2William J. Kolasky, Antitrust Compliance Programs: The Government Perspective, Corporate Compliance2002Conference, Practising Law Institute (PLI), San Francisco, CA, July12,2002.
    4如据统计,美国在2008年反托拉斯案件的罚款数额高达7亿美金,欧盟的反垄断案件罚金在2007年达到35亿欧元。See GCR, Criminal Antitrust Enforcement in2008,http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh‐CN&rlz=1W1TSNA_enUS378US378&q=+Criminal+antitrust+enforcement+in+200
    5如美国1940年代的派拉蒙影业公司案在一定程度上左右了好莱坞的发展方向。See United States v. ParamountPictures, Inc.,334US131(1948).
    6John H. Shenefield and Irwin M. Stelzer, The Antitrust Laws: A Primer, American Enterprise Institute Press2004,p.137.
    1Canada Competition Bureau, Corporate Compliance Programs (Final)2008.
    2United States V. United States Gypsum Co.,438U. S.422(1978).
    3Mark Furse&Susan Nash, The Cartel Offence, Hart Publishing2004, p.119.
    5See Kevin T. Jackson, Building Reputational Capital: Strategies For Integrity And Fair Play That Improve The BottomLine(Hardcover), Oxford University Press,2004, p.3.
    1See Theodore L. Banks and Frederick Z. Banks, Corporate Legal Compliance Handbook, Aspen Law&Business2007,p.1-3,1-4.
    2See E. Krell, How to Profit from Compliance Spending, Business Fiancé, September1,2004,http://businessfinancemag.com/article/how-profit-compliance-spending-0901,访问日期:2010年3月6日。
    3See Hollis Ashbaugh-Skaife&Daniel W. Collins&William R. Kinney&J. Ryanlafond, The Effect of SOX InternalControl Deficiencies on Firm Risk and Cost of Equity, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.47No.1,2009.
    4Stolt-Nielsen S.A. v. United States,352F. Supp.2d553(E.D.. Pa.2005).
    5反垄断法中的宽恕制度存在的目的是为了鼓励卡特尔参与者尽早自首、以获取免除或者减轻处罚。根据美国的宽恕制度的规定,免除惩罚的优惠只给与“第一个上门者(first-in-the-door),因此,第一个申请者的位置非常关键。为了成为第一个申请者,“告密者”可以在提出正式申请前请求竞争机构为其设定标记(marker),即在申请次序中保留第一的位置,使其在一定期限内进行必要的内部调查,获得更多的信息和证据,从而完善其申请资格。See Ky P. Ewing, Jr., Competition Rules for the21stCentury: Principles from America’s Experience, KluwerLaw International,2006, p307.
    1Andreas Stephan, Hear no Evil, See no Evil: Why Antitrust Compliance Programmes may be Ineffective at PreventingCartels, CCP Working Paper09-09, July2009.
    3See ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Antitrust Compliance: Perspectives and Resources for Corporate Counselors, ABAPublishing2005, pp.64-69.
    1Case155/1979, AM&S Europe Limited v Commission [1982] ECR1575.
    2Julian Joshua, Antitrust Compliance Programmes For Multinational Companies, International Financial LawReview,Vol.20,2001, pp.65-69.
    3William J. Kolasky, Antitrust Compliance Programs: The Government Perspective, Speech given to CorporateCompliance2002Conference, Practicing Law Institute,12July2002, San Francisco.
    4See John H. Shenefield and Irwin M. Stelzer, The Antitrust Laws: A Primer, American Enterprise Institute Press2004,5p.143.Canada Competition Bureau, Corporate Compliance Programs (Final)2008, Part III.
    6OFT, How Your Business Can Achieve Compliance, OFT424,2005.
    1Laureen Snider, The Regulatory Dance: Understanding Reform Processes in Corporate Crime, International Journal ofthe Sociology of Law, vol.191991, pp.209–236.
    2Theodore L. Banks and Frederick Z. Banks, Corporate Legal Compliance Handbook, Aspen Law&Business2007,p.1-3,1-4.
    3See George J. Stigle&Claire Friedland, What Can Regulators Regulate? The Case of Electricity, Journal of Law andEconomics, Vol.5.1962, pp.1-16.
    4See George J. Stigler, The Theory Of Economic Regulation, The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science,
    5Vol.2, No.11971, pp.3-21.See Peter J. May, Compliance Motivations: Perspectives of Farmers, Homebuilders, and Marine Facilities, Law&Policy Vol.27, No.2,2005, p.317–347.
    1Hannibal Travis, Of Blogs, eBooks, and Broadband: Access to Digital Media as a First Amendment Right, HofstraLaw Review, vol.35,2007, p.1519-1582.
    2ICN, Advocacy and Competition Policy, Naples,(2002), p.i.
    3ICN, Assessment of ICN Members’ Requirements and Recommendations on Further ICN Work on CompetitionAdvocacy,(2009), p.21.
    4See George J. Stigle&Claire Friedland, What Can Regulators Regulate? The Case of Electricity, Journal of Law andEconomics, Vol.5.1962, pp.1-16.
    1See Tom R. Tyler&Yuen J. Huo, Trust in the Law: Encouraging Public Cooperation With the Police and Courts
    (Russell Sage Foundation Series on Trust, Volume5), Russell Sage Foundation Publications2002, pp.5-7.
    3See Peter J. May, Compliance Motivations: Perspectives of Farmers, Homebuilders, and Marine Facilities, Law&
    4Policy Vol.27, No.2,2005, p.317–347.Neil Gunningham&Peter Grabosky&Darren Sinclair, Smart Regulation: Designing Environmental Policy, OxfordUniversity Press1999, p.15.
    2See ICN, Advocacy and Competition Policy,(2002), p.iii.
    3United Nations, Empirical Evidence Of The Benefits From Applying Competition Law And Policy Prince: LesTo Economic Development In Order To Attain Greater Efficiency In International Trade And Development,TD/B/COM.2/EM/10/Rev.1, p.5. http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/c2emd10r1.en.pdf,(访问日期:2011年6月10日)。
    2Bruce M. Owen, Su Sun and Wentong Zheng, China’s Competition Policy Reforms: The Antimonopoly Law andBeyond.
    4See ICN, Advocacy and Competition Policy,(2002), p.1.
    1See Laureen Snider, The Regulatory Dance: Understanding Reform Processes in Corporate Crime, InternationalJournal of the Sociology of Law, vol.191991, pp.209–236.
    2Theodore L. Banks and Frederick Z. Banks, Corporate Legal Compliance Handbook, Aspen Law&Business2007, p.1-3,1-4.
    3See George J. Stigle&Claire Friedland, What Can Regulators Regulate? The Case of Electricity, Journal of Lawand Economics, Vol.5.1962, pp.1-16.
    4See George J. Stigler, The Theory Of Economic Regulation, The Bell Journal of Economics and ManagementScience, Vol.2, No.11971, pp.3-21.
    5See Peter J. May, Compliance Motivations: Perspectives of Farmers, Homebuilders, and Marine Facilities, Law&Policy Vol.27, No.2,2005, p.317–347.
    1Hannibal Travis, Of Blogs, eBooks, and Broadband: Access to Digital Media as a First Amendment Right,
    2Hofstra Law Review, vol.35,2007, p.1519-1582.ICN, Advocacy and Competition Policy, Naples, p.i(2002).
    3ICN, Assessment of ICN Members’ Requirements and Recommendations on Further ICN Work on CompetitionAdvocacy,2009, p.21.
    4See George J. Stigle&Claire Friedland, What Can Regulators Regulate? The Case of Electricity, Journal of Lawand Economics, Vol.5.1962, pp.1-16.
    1See Tom R. Tyler&Yuen J. Huo, Trust in the Law: Encouraging Public Cooperation With the Police and Courts
    (Russell Sage Foundation Series on Trust, Volume5), Russell Sage Foundation Publications2002, pp.5-7.
    1Rughvir (Shyam) Khemani, Competition Policy and Economic Development,http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:WBn7l7AlEakJ:internationalcompetitionnetwork.org/uploads/library/doc414.pdf+competition%2Bculture&hl=en&sig=AHIEtbSbgDpTt1gjifqLeZbupX6afBGnAg,(访问日期:2010年1月27日)。
    1See Scott D. Hammond,Fighting Cartels-Why And How?(Lessons Common to Detecting and DeterringCartel Activity), The3rd Nordic Competition Policy Conference, Sept.12,2000,http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/speeches/6487.htm,(访问日期:2008年10月30日)。
    3See Ky P. Ewing, Jr., Competition Rules for the21st Century: Principles from America’s Experience, KluwerLaw International,2006, pp.606-608.
    4See Scott D. Hammond,Sharing Information in the Fight against Cartels—Sharing Information in the FightAgainst Cartels, Presented by the Competition Policy Research Center Fair Trade Commission of Japan,November20,2003, http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/speeches/201614.pdf,(访问日期:2008年10月30日)。
    1Angus Macculloch, The Cartel Offence and the Criminalization of United Kingdom Competition Law,J.B.L.2003,Nov,p.619.
    1OECD, Report on the Nature and Impact of Hard Core Cartels and Sanctions against Cartels under NationalCompetition Laws, July2002, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/16/20/2081831.pdf,访问日期:2008年7月3日。
    1See ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Antitrust Compliance: Perspectives and Resources for Corporate Counselors, ABAPublishing2005, p.68.
    1[德]诺瓦里斯著:《诺瓦里斯集(第三卷)》,转引自[德] K.茨威格特、H.克茨著:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社2003年版,德文第二版序。
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    2.Bell Atlantic v. Twombly,127S.Ct.1955,1972(2007).
    3.Stolt-Nielsen S.A. v. United States,352F. Supp.2d553(E.D. Pa.2005).
    4.United States of America v. Anthony J Giordano Sr Anthony J Giordano JrRandolph J Weil Atlas Iron Processors Inc David Giordano,261F.3d1134(11th Cir.2001).
    5.Engle v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Corp., No.94-08273CA-22(Fla. Civ. Ct.,Nov.6,2000).
    6.State Oil Co. v. Khan,522U.S.3(1997).
    7.Pal mer v. BRG of Georgia Inc.,498U.S.46,(1990).
    8.Business Electronics Corp. v. Sharp Electronics Corp.,485U.S.717,(1988).
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    40. Lan Ayres and John Braithwaite, Responsive Regulation: Transcending theDeregulation Debate, Oxford University Press (1992).
    41. John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice And Responsive Regulation, OxfordUniversity Press(2001).
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    2. Christine Parker, The “Compliance” Trap: The Moral Message in ResponsiveRegulatory Enforcement, Law&Society Review v.40no.3(2006).
    3. Willard K. Tom and Joshua A. Newberg, Antitrust and Intellectual Property:From Separate Spheres to Unified Field, Antitrust Law Journal,Vol.66(1997).
    4. Dennis W. Carlton and Michael Waldman,The Strategic Use of Tying toPreserve and Create Market Power in Evolving Industries,Rand Journal of Economics,Summer,33No.2194-220(2002).
    5. Clifford Potter, Settlement of Claims and Litigation in the US: Legal Rules,Negotiation Strategies and In-House Guidelines,14Int'l Bus. Law.51(1986).
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    7. Takigawa and Toshiaki, A Comparative Analysis Of U.S.,EU,And JapaneseMicrosoft Cases: How to Regulate Exclusionary Conduct by A Dominant Firm In ANetwork Industry,50,The Antitrust Bulletin (2005).
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    9. Ronald H. Coase, The Problem of Social Cost,3J. L.&Econ.1.1,51960.
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    16. David M. Kreps and Robert Wilson, Reputation and Imperfect Information,Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.27(1982).
    17. See George J. Stigle&Claire Friedland, What Can Regulators Regulate? TheCase of Electricity, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.5(1962).
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    3. Scott D. Hammond, Fighting Cartels-Why and How?(Lessons Common ToDetecting and Deterring Cartel Activity), The3rd Nordic Competition Policy Conference,Sept.12,2000, http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/speeches/6487.htm.
    4. OECD, Report on Leniency Programmes to Fight Hard Core Cartels,http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/49/16/2474442.pdf.
    5. OECD, Report on the Nature and Impact of Hard Core Cartels and Sanctionsagainst Cartels under National Competition Laws, July2002,http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/16/20/2081831.pdf.
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    12. ICN, Advocacy and Competition Policy, Naples,(2002).
    13. U.S. Department of Justice&Federal Trade Commission,Antitrust Guidelinesfor the Licensing of Intellectual Property, Sec.3.2.2.,(1995).
    14. OECD, The OECD Report on Regulatory Reform, Synthesis,(1977).